
Watch This Rude Husband Flip Out On His Wife For Delivering Their Baby In His New Truck

Warning: graphic content…For a segment on Discovery’s Untold Stories of the ER, emergency […]

Warning: graphic content…

For a segment on Discovery’s Untold Stories of the ER, emergency surgeon Dr. Brian Snyder told the story of an extremely rude husband yelling at his wife for delivering their baby inside of his brand new truck.

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While this may sound outrageous, this actually happened. The doctors were unable to move the pregnant woman, Andrea, to a hospital bed. She was then forced to heroically deliver the baby girl sitting right there in the front seat of the truck.

A frightening moment ensued when the baby came out with the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck, but Andrea was able to deliver her healthy, crying baby. The crowd surrounding the truck erupted in applause as Dr. Snyder wrapped the baby in a towel, and placed her on mom’s chest.

Then came Dad into the situation.

Dr. Snyder recalls thinking that Andrea’s husband may pass out from seeing all of the blood. He misjudged the new Dad’s facial expression when the Andrea’s husband looked at her and said, “Hun, this is our new car! Our interior was special ordered! You couldn’t have waited 15 minutes?!”

As you might imagine, Andrea then punched her husband directly in the face.

Dr. Snyder then stated that there were three people in need of medical attention: Andrea (who just delivered a baby), the baby (who needed a blanket), and now her husband (who was lying on the ground knocked out cold).

Would you have punched this man in the face if you were in Andrea’s position?

[H/T Little Things]