
The Top 5 Vines Ever To Grace The Internet

It is a sad day in the Vine community, as Twitter will be killing off Vine in the coming months. […]

It is a sad day in the Vine community, as Twitter will be killing off Vine in the coming months. As Twitter is looking to get bought out, Vine has bitten the dust and seemed to be excess baggage for the social media juggernaut.

(Photo: Twitter & Vine)

There is good news, though. Twitter will allow people to get previously produced Vines after they kill the social video network. For many, that will not matter. But there are a decent amount of comedians, musicians, and personalities that will need that old data.

Videos by PopCulture.com

So to commemorate this sad announcement today, let’s take a look at five of the funniest Vines we’ve seen on the Internet.

Friday? No, Thursday.

An absolute must-have on any Vine list, this little guy gets wrecked. Not only does he get owned by a pillow, but his fall on the way down isn’t much fun either.ย 

This is a perfect visual representation of that gut-wrenching feeling we all get when we mess up and find out it isn’t Friday.ย 

Look At All Those Chickens

A historic Vine that has made list after list after list, the ‘all those chickens’ Vine is simple and nothing more than a little girl not quite getting what she is seeing.ย 

What makes this a classic is her innocent deliver of “look at all those chickens.”ย 


I Want To Be Famous

A Vine that is forever gold. Every talentless hack who simply just wants to be famous… this is what they sound like. Except this girl can totally get away with it.ย 

With the above being said, we could watch this Vine over and over again. Just check out the hilarious face she flashes towards the end.ย 

Ice Dogs

Dogs are always a sure winner for Vine.

So, dogs on ice? Yeah, that is pure winning material right there.ย 

Dog lovers be wary, as this Vine will roll about twenty times before you even know what hit you.

Cue Chamillionaire’s ‘Ridin’ Dirty.’ย 

Up In Here

Ladies and gentlemen, your winner for the best Vine of all time. Looped almost 31 million times, this lama getting crunk with DMX dubbed over it is what the Internet is all about.ย 

Watch. And watch again. It will never get old.ย