
Taylor Swifts Most Dramatic Moments In The Spotlight

The year 2016 has been full of ups and downs for pop superstar Taylor Swift. The 26-year-old […]

The year 2016 has been full of ups and downs for pop superstar Taylor Swift. The 26-year-old singer has become one of the biggest celebrities on the planet, and the center of attention in a seemingly endless stream of news stories. While she received a heavy amount of positive press, there were also some reports that surfaced in the media that were not so flattering.

From her dating life to her financial success, 2016 has undeniably been a memorable year for Taylor Swift. During this time there were some seriously dramatic moments that were even hard for Taylor to shake off.

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Check out Taylor Swift’s five most dramatic moments in the spotlight from this year.

What do you think are Taylor Swift’s most dramatic moments in the spotlight?

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Taylor Dates Tom Hiddleston Immediately After Splitting With Calvin Harris

One of the most highly publicized momentsย from this year in Taylor Swift’s life was her whirlwind romance with Avengers star Tom Hiddleston.

The pairย dated this past summer and spent a lot of time together traveling. They took trips to Italy, New York, Losย Angeles, and even celebrated the 4th of July at Swift’s star-studded bash at her home in Rhode Island.

The former lovebirds seemed to be on the fast track to getting hitched when they met one another’s parents within a few weeks of dating. However, their relationship took a turn for the worst in September.

Apparently, Tom wanted to make the relationship far more public than Taylor wanted, which led her to sever ties with the 35-year-old actor.

“She was the one to put the brakes on the relationship…Tom wanted the relationship to be more public thanย she was comfortable with,” a source close to Swift said. “Taylor knew the backlash that comes with publicย displays of affection but Tom didn’t listen to her concerns when sheย brought them up.”

The two drew heavy criticism from the media speculating that the relationship was purely a publicity stunt.

Taylor Swift Dating Tom Hiddleston


Taylor Swift Sued

In October, Taylor Swiftย found herself at the center of a legal dispute when a Utah man named Russell Greer sued her because her agents refused to pass along the music that he wrote.

Greer reportedly made several attempts to give his songs to Taylor Swift in order for her to produce even though it had been explained to him that Swift’s management team had a “No Unsolicited Submissions” policy.

He alsoย attempted to get in contact with T-Swiftย by reaching out to her parents and her brother. Greer soughtย $7,000 in damages.

Swift hired a local lawyer named Greg Skordas to represent her in court. He arguedย that Greer simply was an obsessed fan that purely wanted to meet Taylor Swift.

“In the video, Plaintiff [Greer] also explains in detail that he does not want the money he is requesting and he chose to file his action in this manner because of his belief that Ms. Swift would be required to appear in person,” Skordas wrote. “As he says in his YouTube post, ‘Taylor, I sue you to show you I care,’ and so that she will be forced to come to Salt Lake City and ‘com[e] to dinner with me.’”

While this lawsuit wasn’t her fault, it was undeniably a seriously dramatic moment this year.

Taylor Swift Spotify


Taylor Swift Groping Case

Back in June of 2013, Taylor Swiftย accused a radio DJ of groping her during a meet and greet. The incident led to Swift filing an “assault and battery” lawsuit against 98.5 KYGO’s David Mueller.

While the case has been dragging on for months, a huge development busted the case wide open this past October.

A photo of the alleged groping surfaced was released to the public. Swift attempted to have the picture sealed for privacy, but the judge denied her request.

When Taylor Swift gave her deposition for the case, she accused Mueller of putting his hand up herย dressย and grabbing her bare backside.

Here is whatย Taylor had to sayย in the deposition:

“Right as the moment came for us to pose for the photo, he took his hand and put it up my dress and grabbed onto my ass cheek and no matter how much I scooted over it was still there.ย It was completely intentional, I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life.”

The photo from the meet and greet surfaced online, and it seemed to be quite damaging to Taylor’s case. Learn more here.

Taylor Swift


Taylor is Highest Earning Celebrity Under 30

Despite being put in the spotlight for several negative stories throughout this past year,ย Taylor Swift’s career hit an absolute high. In dramatic fashion, Swift silencedย all the haters and raked in an astounding amount of cash by riding the success of her 1989 album, sold out shows, and lucrative endorsement deals.

Swift was named Forbes‘ย highest-earning celebrity under 30 in 2016.

Other stars on the list includeย Adeleย (4), who made $80.5 million,ย Rihannaย (5), at $75 million, the Weeknd (9), $55 million, Hollywood’s highest-paid actress Jennifer Lawrence (12), at $46 million and Justin Bieber (6), with $56 million.

Learn more here.



Taylor Swift โ€“ Kanye West Feud

Arguably the most dramatic moment from the past year for Taylor Swift was when her feud with rapper Kanye West absolutely exploded.

The two have had beef for years ever since Kanye stole her moment at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards. Their ongoing squabble reached a boiling point after Kanye released his highly controversial song “Famous.”

The song contains the lyrics: “I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex / Why? I made that b*tch famous / God D*mn / I made that b*tch famous.”

As you might imagine, Taylor didn’t take too kindly after hearing the song. However, Kanye West maintained that he cleared the lyrics with Taylor prior to releasing the tune.

After the dispute dragged on, Kanye’s wife, Kim Kardashian, finally decided to take matters into her own hands. The Keeping Up With the Kardashians star shared a recording of a conversation between Kanye and Taylor about the lyrics on her Snapchat.ย 

Swift’s “good girl” reputation was put in jeopardy as it appeared as though she had been lying toย her fans about being made aware of the lyrics.

In response, Taylor took to Instagram to share this message:

“Where is the video of Kanye telling me he was going to call me ‘that b*tch’ in his song? It doesn’t exist because it never happened. You don’t get to control someone’s emotional response to being called ‘that b*tch’ in front of the entire world,” Swift wrote.

She continued by saying, “Of course I wanted to like the song. I wanted to believe Kanye when he told me that I would love the song. I wanted us to have a friendly relationship. He promised to play the song for me, but he never did. While I wanted to be supportive of Kanye on the phone call, you cannot ‘approve’ a song you haven’t heard. Being falsely painted as a liar when I was never given the full story or played any part of the song is character assassination.”

Swift concluded the post writing, “I would very much like to be excluded from this narrative, one that I have never asked to be a part of, since 2009.”

There is a case to be made for both Taylor and Kanye in this highly publicized dispute, but it was undoubtedlyย one of the most dramatic moments of the year for Taylor Swift.

Learn more here.

Taylor Swift Kanye Feud
