
Stephen Colbert Goes Off On The First Presidential Debate On The Late Show

After the first presidential debate, Stephen Colbert absolutely went off on the candidates during […]

After the first presidential debate, Stephen Colbert absolutely went off on the candidates during a live broadcast of The Late Show.

Before the debate, Colbert claims that “Democrats have not been this nervous since Anthony Weiner asked to borrow their phone.” However, Colbert was ultimately complimentary of Hillary Clinton on her readiness, and gave her the comical nickname: “Preparation H.”

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As the stakes were extremely high for both candidates, there was more pressure on Hillary Clinton, according to Colbert. “Clinton needed to be confident but not smug; knowledgeable without being a know-it-all, charming but not affected, commanding but not shrill. Also likeable, warm, authoritative, and not coughing.”

Meanwhile, Donald Trump solely had to manage not to kill someone…on camera, Colbert joked.

Colbert’s main focus of the opening rant on his show was aimed towards Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump. “Instead of doing a bunch of mock debates,” Colbert began, “the word is that (Trump) sat down with friends over bacon cheeseburgers, hot dogs and glasses of Coca-Cola and tested out zingers. Wow, that’s how I prepared for tonight’s debate, too. And he ma not have prepared, but it also looked like he didn’t.”

The Late Show host then took various shots at Donald Trump that landed well with the live audience. Colbert bashed Trump for his sniffling, his claims that his temperment was his best asset, and for consistently saying Secretary Clinton was wrong about her accusation that Trump thought climate change was invented by the Chinese.

“Trump sounded like he was fighting off a cold. With cocaine,” Colbert quipped.

To prove Hillary Clinton was right that Trump claimed that the Chinese were responsible for starting global warming concept, Colbert showed a tweet from Trump that was posted on November of 2012 that read: “The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.”

What do you think about Stephen Colbert’s take on the first presidential debate?

[H/T USA Today, Deadline]