
RZA Tells All About Azealia Banks Fiasco With Russell Crowe

Rapper RZA has finally decided to speak out about the confrontation between rapper Azealia Banks […]

Rapper RZA has finally decided to speak out about the confrontation between rapper Azealia Banks and Russell Crowe. As it turns out, things weren’t quite as dramatic as Banks would like people to think. However, RZA did admit that Banks was acting a little crazy.

The confrontation in question happened during a dinner party at Russell Crowe’s home. RZA was an invited guest who happened to bring Banks along as his plus one. Soon after the party began, things took a turn for the worse.

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“[Banks] was insulting a lot of people in the room, then she started threatening this girl about how she was going to smash her face in a glass,” RZA explained describing the events of that night to TMZ live. “Russell said that wasn’t going to happen.”

After Crowe stepped in to defend his guests, things really got ugly. At that point, RZA explains that Banks turned her attention to Crowe, attacking him with a broken glass. After Crowe avoided the attack, he had his security removed both RZA and Banks from the room where the guests were located. Banks wasn’t too happy about that.

What made Banks even angrier was that after she was expelled from the party, Crowe spit at her, which Banks accused Crowe of doing shortly after the news of the incident broke out. Banks also accused Crowe of chocking her to try to get her out of the room. According to RZA, that didn’t happen, but that it was Banks that actually physically attacked Crowe.

“I don’t know what overcame her,” RZA said. “It was like, when she attacked, it was illogical. I never expected her to have a personality like that.”

According to RZA, Crowe did not choke Banks, nor did he call her inappropriate names. All Crowe did was make sure that Banks, in her crazed state, was removed from the party for the safety of his other guests. Even RZA doesn’t understand why Banks decided to change the story to make Crowe out to be the bad guy.