
Even Presidential Candidates Can’t Avoid Pokemon GO

Pokemon GO seems to be on its way to global domination, at least for the next few weeks anyway, […]

Pokemon GO seems to be on its way to global domination, at least for the next few weeks anyway, and that influence has even seeped into our electoral process.

Presidential hopeful Donald Trump recently commented that he wished he had time to play the game, but running a campaign would likely put the kibosh on one’s free time. That availability issue did not hold him back from utilizing the game to throw another jab at his opponent Hillary Clinton however, in a new Pokemon themed attack ad.

Videos by PopCulture.com

Trump Pokemon

The ad starts out with a start screen that says “Crooked Hillary NO” and then goes on to display Clinton’s abilities, beginning with type (Career Politician) and Emails Deleted, which is listed as 30,000. Her description reads “Often found lying to the American people, rigging the system, and sharing TOP SECRET emails.”

As a final jab, the Next Evolution is listed as “Unemployed”.

Funnily enough, Clinton’s campaign is also utilizing Pokemon GO, but in a very different way (via Gamespot). They are holding a Pokemon GO gathering near a PokeStop in Lakewood, Ohio. The event will take place at Madison Park, and Clinton’s team will purchase Lure’s so that attendees can have extra chances at nabbing some Pokemon. There’s also a Gym at the Pentagon, but good luck trying to access it.