
Emerald City Recap – Science and Magic

The episode opens with a mysterious woman named Jane operating on Jack. Meanwhile, Tip climbs a […]

The episode opens with a mysterious woman named Jane operating on Jack. Meanwhile, Tip climbs a bridge and considers jumping, before a soldier talks her down. Tip says she’s a killer and offers to join the soldier’s brigade.

Dorothy and Lucas travel through the woods and argue over Dorothy’s choice to see the Wizard when a small girl suddenly sneaks up on them and grabs Lucas by the leg.

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A group of soldiers at Nimbo (the city Dorothy found Lucas outside) find a mysterious magical portal. The Wizard goes to personally investigate it and brings Anna with him to investigate.

The soldier takes Tip to an orphanage run by Glinda. The headmistress of the orphanage pays the soldier for Tip and leads her inside for a proper bath.


Lucas wants to leave the girl behind, but Dorothy insists on taking her back to a nearby village, even though the area is crawling with the Wizard’s men to bring the girl home.

When Jack wakes up from the surgery, Jane explains that Tip left him in the road to die, but she found him and “fixed” him. In this case, Jane replaced most of Jack’s body with a metal replacement.

As Dorothy brings the girl into the village, she discovers the girl has earplugs in her ears. It seems the girl has overly sensitive hearing and uses the plugs to prevent being overwhelmed.

On the road to Nimbo, the Wizard admits to Anna that he can’t control his giants anymore. Anna says that this time, the Beast Forever will come from the sky and will have a heart, a head, and relentless courage. Even though the Wizard’s giants can’t help him, this Beast can be killed because it has a heart.

Jack discovers that Jane “fixed” his body as a project for the royal army. His heart has also been replaced with an artificial one that can’t be destroyed.

Glinda explains to the assembled orphans that she’s training them to help the Wizard take care of threats from outside of Oz. When Tip makes a commotion outside, Glinda tries to calm her down before West arrives offering to take Tip.

Dorothy finds the girl’s “parents” in the town, but Dorothy quickly realizes that something isn’t right. Before Dorothy can get the girl (who’s name is apparently Sylvie) away, Lucas shows up to pull Dorothy out of town, as Eamonn has arrived in town with his soldiers. Dorothy pulls out her gun, but Lucas says that she’ll be confused for a witch. Dorothy instead tells Lucas to take off his clothes.

Both Glinda and West try to convince Tip to come with them to be trained, but Tip is rather disgusted that her only two choices are to be a nun or a whore.

Jack meets the mysterious Lady Ev, who wears a mask over her face. Lady Ev refuses to help him get into a wheelchair and instead picks out a disfigured mask from a large case.

When the Wizard arrives at Nimbo, an angry man confronts him for having soldiers burn down his home. The man claims there’s no magic in Nimbo, but Anna finds the portal and touches it. The portal explodes, knocking Anna out, and then disappears.

Using Lucas’s clothes as a disguise, Dorothy breaks into Sylvie’s home. She finds Sylvie shaking and holding the hands of two ashen statues….who look just like her “parents”. Dorothy tries to take Sylvie away, but she ends up using a shovel to bust the statues down and free the girl.

The Wizard makes a pass at Anna when she wakes up, but she claims that her vows require her to be pure. Anna also tells the Wizard that she needs to turns the village leader to his side.

When Tip tries to take a bath, West (disguised as an orphan) tries to sway Tip to join her via peer pressure and drugs.

When Dorothy tries to get Sylvie out of town, Eamonn and his soldiers surround her.

Jack’s finally getting the hang of his new body when Jane shows up with some clothes. Jane says that they’re going on a walk and to prepare for a “new world”.

Tip finds West and says that she knew it was her in the bath. Tip tells West that she doesn’t want to forget, but instead wants to learn magic.

The Wizard tries to convince the village leader that magic is inferior to science, but the leader says that Oz is a land of enchantment. The village leader also claims that the Beast Forever is part of Oz’s natural order, who periodically arrives to “cleanse” the land because it must.

Eamonn prepares to execute Dorothy until she sees Lucas’s sword. He claims that he knows Lucas and demands that Dorothy bring Lucas to him. As Sylvie starts to shake with magic, Dorothy pulls out her gun and fires into the air, causing almost everyone to back away. Lucas rushes up to Dorothy and grabs Sylvie, and Eamonn recognizes him as “Nolan”. Eamonn follows Dorothy and Lucas to the edge of town, so Dorothy shoots him in the shoulder.

Jane leads Jack up a spiral staircase and takes him to Lady Ev, the princess of the Land of Ev. Jane says that Lady Ev now owns Jack, much to his disbelief.

Now safe in the woods, Dorothy tries to explain that her world has a “different” kind of magic: science. Dorothy pulls out her IPod and has Lucas listen to “Ain’t No Sunshine” to show him. Dorothy and Lucas then kiss.

The next morning, Eamonn tracks Dorothy and Lucas down. Eamonn stops Lucas, while the head of the Munchkin tribe knocks out Dorothy as she tries to run away.