
Creepy Clown Gets Beatdown And Gun Pulled On Him

A creepy clown incident in Stockton, California totally backfired on the prankster when a man […]

A creepy clown incident in Stockton, California totally backfired on the prankster when a man pulled out a gun and pistol-whipped the clown.

The prank was recorded on camera and shows the clown getting beat down and then running away in fear.

Videos by PopCulture.com

The video was shared on Facebook by Hood Clips with the caption: “This #creepyclown ‘gone wrong’ video has gone viral…yet the man in the costume says this is a prank he’ll never pull again.”

The man dressed up as the creepy clown is 20-year-old Sadiq Mohammad, who is a professional prankster. He has a series of entertainment videos that have been viewed by 6.7 million people daily on his Instagram account and website.

“The numbers don’t lie, people love comedy,” Mohammad said. “That’s why I have a lot of followers.”

Well, it’s fair to say that this one man that Mohammad encountered clearly was not a fan of his comedy. This latest stunt very well could have been Mohammad’s last.

“Lesson learned is, people don’t play with the clown stuff,” Mohammad said. “Like, people really will shoot anybody.”

While some may be of the opinion that the clown did not deserve to be pistol-whipped for scaring the other man, there are others that believe the reaction was out of self defense given the worldwide epidemic of creepy clowns wreaking havoc on their communities.

One attorney in Sacramento, California named Kresta Daly told KCRA that people have a right to self defense.

“A person has the right to defend themselves using reasonable force,” Daly said. “It’s probably not reasonable to pull a gun (in this case).”

In the video above, the man in black says that the prank is not funny and then proceeds to pull out his weapon.

“By the time the clown is saying, ‘it’s a prank,’ and trying to get away and visibly being very scared, the threat has ended,” Daly said. “The right to self-defense ends when the threat ends.”

This incident might have been simply a prank gone wrong. However, there have been a slew of other cases where there seemed to be a real and dangerous threat from creepy clowns. Other situations have even ended poorly for the creepy clowns, including one teenager getting stabbed by his best friend.

What are your thoughts about this latest creepy clown incident? Was this self defense or do you think the man was excessively aggressive against the clown?