
Brad Pitt’s 5 Strangest Movie Roles

Brad Pitt is arguably one of the biggest names in Hollywood. He’s been in the business for […]

Brad Pitt is arguably one of the biggest names in Hollywood. He’s been in the business for decades and has won awards for virtually every type of role you can think of.

The iconic actor can bring on the feels with films like Meet Joe Black, he can make us laugh with characters like Rusty Ryan from Ocean’s Eleven, and he can keep us on the edge of our seats with heart-pounding films like Fury. But for all his talent, Pitt has taken on some pretty strange characters over the years.

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Here’s our list of the top five strangest movie roles Brad Pitt has ever played.

Burn After Reading

In Burn After Reading, Brad Pitt plays Chad Feldheimer, a dim-witted personal trainer with a penchant for getting into trouble. Feldheimer mistakenly believes he has found a CD containing top-secret CIA information. Pitt’s quirky performance and epic dance moves make his portrayal of Feldheimer one of our favorite performances.

Fight Club

One of Brad Pitt’s most notable films, Fight Club follows an insomniac office worker obsessed with filling his apartment with anything and everything from IKEA. That’s when Tyler Durden comes in. Played by Pitt, Durden, who is just the alternate personality of the insomniac office worker, starts the infamous fight club. Thing quickly go from bad to worse, but Pitt’s role as the confident, violent and unpredictable Durden is certainly one the highlights of this iconic film.

Twelve Monkeys

In the future, the world is devastate by disease. Only by traveling back in time can convict James Cole hope to set things right. It’s in Twelve Monkeys past timeline where Cole meets Jeffrey Goines, a mental patient with fanatical views. Goines, played by Brad Pitt, is a loose cannon hellbent on inciting chaos. He’s cooky, diabolical and oftentimes downright hilarious, and might just be Pitt’s strangest character to date.

Interview With The Vampire

Before there was Twilight there was Interview with the Vampire. In the film, Brad Pitt plays Louis, a vampire who tells his story of love, betrayal, loneliness, and above all, an unquenchable thirst for blood. Pitt’s performance is chilling, and set the tone for all the future vampire films that came after it.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

The only thing worse than aging, is aging backwards. That’s exactly what happens to Brad Pitt’s character in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. It’s a strange role indeed, but one Pitt plays marvelously well. Button is born as an old man, and slowly grows to become an adolescent, and then an infant. His journey through his strange predicament is moving and engaging, and offers a unique view on what it means to grow old. Pitt’s excellent acting skills as an old man, an adolescent and a child makes this one of our favorite films.

Which one of Brad Pitt’s roles do you think is the strangest?