Watch Protesters Interrupt Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court Confirmation

Protesters in the Senate gallery interrupted Vice President Mike Pence as he tallied the roll call [...]

Protesters in the Senate gallery interrupted Vice President Mike Pence as he tallied the roll call votes for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation Saturday afternoon.

Protesters were heard chanting, forcing Pence to repeatedly call for the Sergeant at Arms to "restore order to the gallery."

"I do not consent, where's my representation," one protester was heard yelling, reports CNN.

Before the vote, Sen. John Cornyn of Texas also had his speech interrupted.

The protests were not enough to cause any last-second surprises. Kavanaugh's nomination was confirmed by the Senate 50-48 in a nearly party-line vote. Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia was the only Democrat to vote for Kavanaugh. Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, a Republican, voted "present" so Sen. Steve Daines of Montana could attend his daughter's wedding.

Outside in Washington, groups of protesters also gathered outside the Capitol and the Supreme Court, representing both sides of the debate over Kavanaugh's confirmation.

Kavanaugh's confirmation came less than two weeks after Dr. Christine Blasey Ford testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee about allegedly being sexually assaulted by Kavanaugh at a party in 1982. After the testimony, the vote on Kavanaugh was delayed for the FBI to conduct a new investigation on the allegations, which Kavanaugh staunchly denies. Republicans said the investigation did not find any corroborating witnesses and pushed for Kavanaugh to be confirmed as soon as possible, while Democrats said the investigation was far too limited in scope.

During his speech Saturday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell blasted Democrats for obstructing the process.

"Judge Brett Kavanaugh is among the very best our country has to offer," McConnell said, reports CBS News. "He unquestionably deserves confirmation."

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer used his speech to again lay out his case for why he believes Kavanaugh is unfit for the court and encouraged voters to head to the polls in November.

"If you believe Dr. Ford, and other brave women who came forward, and you want to vindicate their sacrifice, vote," Schumer said.

Protesters outside the Capitol echoed Schumer, shouting "November is coming" after the vote. Video also showed police removing protests from the Capitol steps.

According to NBC News, some of the signs referenced the Sept. 27 testimony from Ford and Kavanaugh. "If only he liked women as much as he liked beer," one read, referencing a remark Kavanaugh made about beer. "I am here because I believe it is my civic duty," another read, quoting Ford.

As for President Donald Trump, who has now successfully nominated two Supreme Court justices in just two years in office, he celebrated the news on Twitter.

"I applaud and congratulate the U.S. Senate for confirming our GREAT NOMINEE, Judge Brett Kavanaugh, to the United States Supreme Court," he wrote. "Later today, I will sign his Commission of Appointment, and he will be officially sworn in. Very exciting!"

Photo credit: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images