The World Gravy Wrestling Championships Looks Like An Event We'd All Love

In Lancashire, England, the greatest gravy wrestlers in the world gathered together to brawl [...]

In Lancashire, England, the greatest gravy wrestlers in the world gathered together to brawl against one another in a 1,500-liter pool of gravy in the annual World Gravy Wrestling Championships.

Sixteen men and eight women competed in the games at the Rose 'N' Bowl pub in Stacksteads, Lancashire. According to Fox Sports, Each match lasts two minutes, and the winner is crowned by judges who provide scoring on the basis of wrestling skill and showmanship. Also, the loser gets gravy bombed in the "laughing stocks."

The wrestling ring is a 14 ft by 13ft padded pool made extra slippery by thick brown gravy. The event organizer, Andy Holt, explained to BBC that the match is actually quite tough. "It really does take it out of you," he said, "even if it just two minutes."

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(Photo: Facebook / Rose N Bowl)

Mr. Holt makes the gravy at his black pudding factory, and admitted that he actually has had to change the recipe before because the original attracted swarms of bugs to contestants.

The wild spectacle drew more than a thousand spectators. The event is held as a fundraiser for the East Lancashire Hospice. "It is crazy, but it is all about having fun and it is for a great cause," Holt stated.

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(Photo: Facebook / Rose N Bowl)

The men's champion of the tournament was Paddy Sharky from Whitworth, and the winner of the women's category was Rachel Williams.

To check out photos of this epic event, head over to the Rose N Bowl Facebook page.

Would you like to take part in the World Gravy Wrestling Championships?

[H/T Fox Sports, Manchester Evening News, BBC]