Hackers Use Fake Brad Pitt Obituary To Gain Control Of Facebook Accounts

Don’t click on the Brad Pitt obit!The Hollywood actor is alive and well, but hackers are pushing [...]

Don't click on the Brad Pitt obit!

The Hollywood actor is alive and well, but hackers are pushing a story that he passed away in an attempt to gain access to users' Facebook accounts.

(Photo: USA Politics Today)

"This malware isn't new & is known to come from malicious browser extensions," a Facebook spokesperson said. "For several years, Facebook has notified people when we detect malware on their computer & we help them clean it up."

Those who do click on the Pitt obituary, which is designed to appear as if it was published by Fox News, are prompted to input their Facebook username and password - which of course is always a big no-no.

So if you see an article floating through your Facebook feed that says Pitt has died, know that it's a lie and whatever you do, don't click on it!

[ H/T CNN Money ]