Man Uses Drone to Catch Wife Allegedly Cheating, Shares Video on Internet

A man who believed his wife was cheating on him decided to catch her in the act with the help of a [...]

A man who believed his wife was cheating on him decided to catch her in the act with the help of a drone, Inside Edition reports.

John, who asked that his last name be withheld, suspected his wife of 18 years of cheating and decided to use his drone to follow her to work. In the resulting video, which has since been posted to YouTube and can be seen above, a woman John says is his wife leaves for work, takes a detour, and meets an SUV in a CVS parking lot before climbing inside.

"Recently I found out that my wife's been cheating on me," he says in the clip. "Yup, great right? Yeah, I caught her meeting a guy just a few blocks from my house and I got it on video."

John, who has two children with his wife, says he confronted her with the footage a few days later and hasn't seen her since.

"I was angry. I was really, really angry," he said.

Many comments on the video are suspicious, with multiple people pointing out that the footage could be of anyone, and that John's word is the only thing they have to go by.

"I've never put out a fake video in my life," John said in response. "I understand skepticism — so many things are fake now — but this is not one of them."

This story first appeared at Womanista.