What It's Like to Live in 'The Bachelor' Mansion if You're Trying to Stay Fit

(Photo: Instagram / @bachelorabc)Ever wondered why you never (OK, hardly ever) see a Bachelor [...]

(Photo: Instagram / @bachelorabc)

Ever wondered why you never (OK, hardly ever) see a Bachelor contestant eating during a date? Or wondered what it's like to not be able to do your own grocery shopping? Delish sat down with three former Bachelor contestants, Lauren Bushnell and Olivia Caridi from season 20, and Ashley Iaconetti from season 19 — and they spilled the beans on what life's like inside the ginormous mansion.

The fridge comes fully loaded

With 20-plus women living under one roof, you can bet your bottom dollar that the fridge and pantry are constantly stocked with healthy foods from brim to brim. All three women said meat, dairy, eggs, juice, fruit and veggies abounded in the fridge, even sometimes to a fault. "[The fridge was] so stocked full that sometimes it's even hard to see what's in the fridge, so you really have to do some digging," Bushnell said.

"There [were] like 60 fresh avocados in the kitchen at all times," Iaconetti said, and "there was spinach everywhere," according to Caridi.

And if you ever found yourself wondering "How on Earth do these women look so beautiful all the time?" just to answer your own question "Oh yeah, they have a professional chef cooking delicious, healthy meals for them," just know that you're wrong. Unfortunately, the girls have to fend for themselves when it comes to cooking. Most of the ladies kept it simple: omelets for Caridi, avocado toast for Iaconetti, and, according to Bushnell, cereal for the twins (Haley and Emily Ferguson).

But not all the contestants stuck to healthy food. "At the beginning, ... everyone would eat the lettuce and the vegetables and stuff like that 'cause everyone's trying to look good and healthy, then as the week progressed, I noticed the cereal started running out, and then it was the Oreos," Bushnell explained. "All of the unhealthy junk food started progressively running out too."

The girls are encouraged not to eat during dates

Because the contestants' mics can pick up on the sounds of food being chewed and eating on camera may not be very flattering, producers encouraged them not to eat during dates with the Bachelor. Bushnell describes a more emotional reason for not eating during a date: "You're nervous, you're talking — it's like a first date, and you have all these cameras around you, so the last thing you want to do is be stuffing your face with food."

However, that's not to say that they can't dig in if they wanted to. Recall Iaconetti during a date on Bachelor In Paradise when she wasn't about to pass on some tacos.

"I think I may be the only girl in Bachelor history to eat on a date, but it's proof that you can if you want," Iaconetti said.

There's no gym equipment in the mansion — seriously?

We have to admit, we're a bit bewildered by this one. Especially because the girls aren't allowed to leave the house during their time on The Bachelor, it seems only fair that they at least have a healthy option to let off some steam. According to Caridi, you have to get creative if you want to escape the "Bachelor 4 or 10" (as Iaconetti referred to the weight gain): Take running or lunging up and down a hill on the mansion's property, for example. Doesn't sound too thrilling!

Alcohol takes priority over food

Again, seriously? "I'd say over food, the alcohol was the priority, as far as making sure it was always available to anyone who needed it," said Caridi. While all three women contested that they were never forced to drink alcohol, they made sure to note that it was always at the ready. With no TV, phone, Internet or gym, it's easy to see now how all the drama unfolds.


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