Reebok’s President Shares the One Thing You Should Be Doing to Improve Your Life

Ready to feel energized and alert at work for the first time in what seems like forever? We have a [...]

(Photo: Reebok)

Ready to feel energized and alert at work for the first time in what seems like forever? We have a trick that could start waking you up, thanks to Reebok's president Matt O'Toole.

O'Toole recommends finding time in the middle of the day to stretch your legs, build your muscles and burn calories. He recently instituted a new policy at Reebok: on top of their lunch hour, everyone would be given an hour each day to work out.

"Since then, I think we've had a massive transformation—we all know each other in a different way now, and everyone is feeling a much healthier outlook, in terms of what it does for you to be moving and active," O'Toole told Well+Good.

cream and coal stretching
(Photo: Cream and Coal)

You company may not allow for an extra hour to exercise, but you can take a few minutes from your lunch break to get active! Exercising before or after lunch may help you destress, burn calories and stay focused and productive throughout the day.

"Depending on how quickly you refuel after you're done, the boost can last for two to three hours," said Darin Padua, director of the Sport Medicine Research Lab at the University of North Carolina.

That means no more post-lunch slump! Research shows that a midday workout can boost productivity as well as job satisfaction, not to mention reduce sleepiness at your desk. In fact, one study went so far as to show a five to 10 percent improvement in cognitive function for those who exercised at lunch.

Do you even need more convincing?

If you're looking for a quick workout you can squeeze into your lunch hour, check out Through the Burn's calorie-burner below. Try it with coworkers to hold yourselves accountable and make a lunchtime workout group!

Ten minute workout:

100 jumping jacks

100 squats

75 crunches

20 pushups

10 burpees

50 jumping jacks

45 crunches

1 min. wall sit

45 sec. plank

(If you're feeling adventurous, repeat!)


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