Over Half Sickened by Recent Salmonella Outbreak Are Children

A recent Salmonella outbreak linked to cucumbers grown in Mexico has killed one person and [...]

salmonella recalled cucumbers
(Photo: Photo Courtesy of California Department of Health)

A recent Salmonella outbreak linked to cucumbers grown in Mexico has killed one person and sickened hundreds in the United States, the CDC said. Since July, 27 states have reported salmonella illnesses, for a total of 285 cases. Over 50 percent of the ill people are children under the age of 18.

The fatality occurred in California, but Arizona is among the hardest-hit states, with 66 cases in six counties just this week. Locally grown cucumbers should not be a threat. The cucumbers in question have been recalled, and you can see photos of them here.

Salmonella is characterized as a group of rod-shaped bacteria that can cause diarrheal illness in humans, and is one of the most frequently reported food-borne illnesses in the United States.

The outbreak of Salmonella Poona has the same symptoms as the regular subtype of the ailment, including nausea, diarrhea and abdominal cramping. Those especially vulnerable to Salmonella are infants, the elderly, and those with weakened immune systems. If you experience severe diarrhea after eating anything with cucumber, see a doctor right away.

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