Mom's Devastating Plea to Stop Drunk Driving After Her Husband and Unborn Son Were Killed

Why did this have to happen to this grieving wife and mother? A drunk driver slammed into the [...]

Why did this have to happen to this grieving wife and mother? A drunk driver slammed into the family head on on Aug.2 killing Kristian Guerrero's unborn child and her husband Fabian, Popsugar reports.

She was five months pregnant with a baby boy and after 24 hours of induced labor she held her unborn son. Stricken with grief and pain, she posted the heartbreaking photos of the crash on Facebook as a reminder to drivers to don't drink and drive.

"This is what being in an induced labor for almost 24 hrs after surviving a car crash that killed my husband and my son looks like. All because someone thought it was OK to get wasted and drive. It's not OK.

It IS OK to stop a friend from driving, it IS OK to take someone's keys away from them when they're showing signs of being drunk. And it IS OK to pick up the phone and call for a ride if you find yourself feeling a little too tipsy. It's not a sign of weakness. It's a sign of maturity to be honest with yourself and know the consequences of driving drunk outweigh any kind of shame you might feel admitting you're too drunk to drive. What's not OK is spending the rest of your life with the guilt of knowing you've taken someone's life away before they even got a chance to be in this world. It's not worth it. Don't drink and drive."

As for how she feels about surving the crash, she believes it was for a very good reason and is going to use it to help others.

"I will continue to spread awareness and share this story until the day I die in hopes it prevents anyone else from feeling the pain I walk around with every day," she wrote. "I refuse to let my husband and my sons deaths be in vain."

Our hearts, thoughts and prayers go out to her during this very difficult time.
