Illustrator Turns Acne Into Body Art for Serious Confidence Boost

#skinconstellation #constellationdepeau ✨ #boutons #acné #acneadulte #acceptationdesoi [...]

Pimples. We all have 'em, and for some people, they are a severe issue. While a lot of people spend their time covering up those pesky acne breakouts, one illustrator and artist decided to take a different approach - she turned her breakouts into constellations.

Izumi Tutti has struggled with acne ever since she was a teenager, but after reading an article about the beauty of freckles, she decided to change the relationship she has with her breakouts, according to Buzzfeed.

"I started to draw constellations on my face after reading an article about the beauty of freckles. I had often heard that freckles were considered an imperfection and not something pretty, so I wondered if I could see beauty in my pimples and scars, too." she said. "I looked at my skin in the mirror and saw that my pimples looked like the Big Dipper constellation, so I thought it would be fun to connect the dots. I found the result very beautiful and I decided to do it again and again."

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The drawings are more than just a way for her to artistically express herself, they also make her feel for the first time in her life that she can control something that had previously made her feel decidedly out of control.

"Drawing has always been a way of expressing myself, and creating constellations with my pimples makes me feel like have control over what my skin looks like."

The French artist has been on a journey toward self-love and body positivity for some time, and through the help of several blogs she's starting to understand where she and her artwork can fit into that space. "After seeing many body positive blogs, I have come to understand that being beautiful is not the greatest thing someone can achieve and that the idea of beauty changes all time. It's a social construction, and beauty doesn't have just one face. I think we really need to represent and celebrate the body in all its forms," Tutti said.

Her attitude now is that people should take their supposed flaws and learn to appreciate them rather than trying to get rid of them. We love her attitude, and her acne artwork is pretty cool, too!


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