If You Have a Boy, This Mom’s Message Will Be the Most Powerful Thing You Read Today

Jaime Primak Sullivan calls herself the 'meanest mom ever', but this former star of Bravo's Jersey [...]

Jaime Primak Sullivan calls herself the "meanest mom ever", but this former star of Bravo's Jersey Belle has some encouraging words for all moms of boys out there.

In a February 2 Facebook post that has since gone viral, the New Jersey mom of three wrote about an incident at her 8-year-old son Max's basketball game where she encouraged him to show his emotions.

When Jaime saw Max get hit in the face with a ball, she says she instinctively ran to comfort him — only to be criticized for "coddling" her son.

"I saw it happen like it was slow motion. I saw his eyes widen and then squint from the pain — he looked around trying to focus. I knew he was looking for me," Jaime wrote. "My feet couldn't move fast enough. As soon as we connected, I got down on one knee."

Jaime wrapped her son in her arms, allowing him to cry into her shoulder. She heard a stranger behind her say "You need to stop babying that kid." She ignored the "advice" and continued to comfort her son, but couldn't get the stranger's words out of her head.

"This notion that boys can never hurt, that they can never feel, is so damaging to them long term," she wrote. "The belief that any signs or gestures of affection will somehow decrease their manhood - this pressure to always 'man up' follows them into adulthood where they struggle to fully experience the broad scope of love and affection. The only emotion they healthily learn to express is happiness then we wonder why they are always chasing it."

"They're taught that sadness is weakness, that talking about their fears or short comings makes them less than. They don't mourn properly. The struggle to grieve. They're afraid to cry. It all spills into the way they husband and father and I hate it."

"Love is a verb. It is something you do. It is not the same as babying, coddling or spoiling. It is something my son deserves. I will always love him when he is hurting and my prayer for him is that he is always open to receiving love so he can love in return and keep that cycle going."

Well said, mama!


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