After Being Fat-Shamed at the Gym, This Fitness Blogger's Empowering Attitude Is Everything

A reminder to myself that this is no longer me. Not just in size, but in my mindset and strength. [...]

A reminder to myself that this is no longer me. Not just in size, but in my mindset and strength. Today, I was at the gym with Sophie doing #gracefitguide when a man walked up to me and told me how "proud" he was that I was there. He proceeded to tell me how brave I was for being my size and still coming to the gym. And KEPT talking and had to stop himself from calling me fat. Thank you sir 🙄 he did however use his hands to motion how big I was while saying he himself couldn't imagine coming to the gym while being that big. It doesn't help that this week, I've been super bloated and feeling bigger than usual and down on myself, and then this man just makes me feel like absolute shit. I wish I could say I was like fuck you and kept on with my workout. Instead I just smiled in shock until he left and cried in the bathroom with Sophie. I was hurt, embarrassed, and mortified. If he said this to me at the beginning of my journey, I would never come back to the gym. I was always scared to workout at the gym for this reason. That people would judge me. Everyone is at the gym to better themselves and become healthier so PLEASE refrain from going up to someone and belittling them. I honestly don't think his words came from a good place, I can't explain the way he said it to me. How do you practically call someone fat to their face and think that it's encouraging? I refuse to let this deter me from going to the gym. I've learned to love going to the gym and it's my happy place and it will continue to be. FUCK WHAT ANYONE ELSE THINKS OF ME. I know why I'm there and I know how much progress I've made. K rant over. I can't believe I cried on my insta story but it's raw and real. Anyways I'm off to meal prep!!!! Macros start tomorrow! Thank you everyone for already dming me sweet messages. I'm okay just need a little time to recover ❤️

A post shared by julieanakim • la/oc (@julieanakim) on

One fitness blogger is coming forward after being fat-shamed at the gym. Julie Ana Kim has been documenting her weight loss journey on Instagram since 2015, and she's already down 75 pounds. However, in retelling a recent experience she had at the gym, Kim shows how just a few hurtful words can have a profound effect on someone.

"A man walked up to me and told me how 'proud' he was that I was there," Kim wrote on Instagram. "He proceeded to tell me how brave I was for being my size and still coming to the gym. And kept talking and had to stop himself from calling me fat. […] He did however use his hands to motion how big I was while saying he himself couldn't imagine coming to the gym while being that big."

She said that the words came at an especially vulnerable time because she was dealing with low self esteem that week. "I've been super bloated and feeling bigger than usual and down on myself, and then this man just makes me feel like absolute s--t," she wrote.

Kim wrote that when the man was finished talking, she reacted by "smiling in shock" and immediately ran to the bathroom to cry.

"I was hurt, embarrassed, and mortified," she wrote. "If he said this to me at the beginning of my journey, I would never come back to the gym. I was always scared to workout at the gym for this reason. That people would judge me. Everyone is at the gym to better themselves and become healthier so PLEASE refrain from going up to someone and belittling them."

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"I honestly don't think his words came from a good place, I can't explain the way he said it to me. How do you practically call someone fat to their face and think that it's encouraging?"

In true badass form, however, Kim said she won't let his words derail her progress or future goals. "I refuse to let this deter me from going to the gym," she says. "I've learned to love going to the gym and it's my happy place and it will continue to be."

Since Kim posted about her experience a week ago, major news outlets picked it up and spread her story — but she says the response hasn't been very encouraging.

Well my gym story is being spread across a lot of news outlets and magazines. I honestly didn't think this would happen. I shared the story on my instastory right after the incident happened and due to the response, I shared it on a post. So many people shared their own stories of fat shaming and it broke my heart that this happened so often. I received a lot of love and support and was able to move on. After yahoo posted their story, more news outlets picked up the story. The amount of negativity and hate and fat shaming because of it has been shocking. But surprisingly, it hasn't affected me much. A lot of people felt I was being over sensitive. A lot of people said cruel words about overweight people. About me, my size, my looks, my feelings. They assumed my before picture was how I looked currently, but no matter what size I am at, those words sting. They were fat shaming an article about fat shaming. 🙄 Here's the thing. No matter what his intentions were, I was hurt by his unwanted opinions. Quite honestly in my mind, even though I know I'm overweight, I felt FIT. And I just didn't expect anyone to ever approach me at this stage in my life with those comments. In any case, no matter what size I am, it's NOT okay. On the other side of the trolling and hate, there has been even more love and support. So even though part of me wishes this story would go away, I'm proud to spread more awareness that gym shaming & fat shaming occur often and it's not okay. I'm not going to hide or keep my mouth shut. Thank you for all the support. I am in awe of the empathy and compassion from this community ❤️❤️❤️

A post shared by julieanakim • la/oc (@julieanakim) on

"The amount of negativity and hate and fat shaming because of it has been shocking. But surprisingly, it hasn't affected me much," she wrote in another post, describing how people made cruel comments about her size, her looks and her feelings.

"Here's the thing," she wrote. "No matter what his intentions were, I was hurt by his unwanted opinions. Quite honestly in my mind, even though I know I'm overweight, I felt FIT. And I just didn't expect anyone to ever approach me at this stage in my life with those comments. In any case, no matter what size I am, it's NOT okay."

And even though Kim received some backlash for her original post, she says the love and support she's received on the opposite side of the trolling has made her glad she shared her story.

"On the other side of the trolling and hate, there has been even more love and support," she said. "So even though part of me wishes this story would go away, I'm proud to spread more awareness that gym shaming & fat shaming occur often and it's not okay. I'm not going to hide or keep my mouth shut."

You go, girl! Kim's persevering attitude is a reminder that giving up is never an option!


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