Best Summer Daycare Options

Summer is approaching, and while that means we get to kick back and enjoy the sun, it also means [...]

Summer is approaching, and while that means we get to kick back and enjoy the sun, it also means that our kids have wrapped up the school year and are ready for summer as well. So when summer hits and kids are dead set on days filled with sleeping in and pool parties, what's a busy mom to do? The dilemma of child care during the summer months is one that never seems to get easier as the years progress. The good news is, we've compiled a list of options for you and your child to sift through as the school year wraps up! Whether your child is looking for some one-on-one time with a nanny, or eager to meet some new friends at a camp or other facility, we have you covered for the upcoming summer.


Nannying: If you are looking for someone who will truly invest themselves in the development and well-being of your child, then you may want to consider hiring a nanny for the summer. Nannying is a full-time position that consists not only of childcare and entertainment, but also household chores, meal prep, and driving the child to summer activities. Nannies are often paid a set amount weekly or biweekly, and are granted a week or so for vacation. The average salary for a nanny is anywhere between $350 to $700 per week. Unlike most daycare options, nannies are very involved in your family. They are frequently seen as a partner to the parents, since their relationship with the child develops and flourishes during their time together. If your summer looks like it is going to be a chaotic mess of work and responsibilities, the constant presence of a nanny may be just the thing your family needs! Check out these links for some nannies near you:

Mother's Helper: If you are a stay-at-home or work-at-home mom who just needs a little help around the house, then a mother's helper is perfect for you! A mother's helper can keep your kid out of your hair for a couple hours when you need some time to yourself, or you just have items to check off of your to-do list. Mother's helpers will even stop by a couple times a week for an hour or two to help out with chores around the house. Since they usually stay within the house or around the neighborhood, mother's helpers tend to be a little bit younger, around 12 to 14 years old, and are looking to increase their experience as a potential babysitter in the future. The average rate for a mother's helper is around $3 to $5 per hour, so they are great if you are on a tight budget. Click below for some mother's helper listings in your area:

Babysitter: Babysitters are great if you and your hubby are in need of a date night, and are the perfect choice if you need to run some errands, spend some time catching up with friends, or churn out some work in peace. They are mainly tasked with watching and entertaining the kids, helping them out with summer homework, or making sure they get to bed on time. Unlike a nanny or a mother's helper, babysitters are not usually required to complete household chores or prep meals. Typically babysitters work for an hourly rate, usually around minimum wage unless they are transporting your kids to the pool or playground (in which case you may want to pitch some gas money!). For babysitter listings in your area, click on a link below:

Day Camp: One of the more popular ways to keep your kids active and engaged over the summer is by enrolling them in a day camp.Your kids will be introduced to a variety of new and exciting experiences through activities like arts and crafts, canoeing, team sports, and more. Also, day camp will give your child the opportunity to interact with children his or her own age, and explore new friendships and chances to develop important social skills. Your child will be supervised by a fully trained staff of camp counselors who are often professionals in child care and education. Because of the vast amount of activities the kids are privy to, summer camps are a little more expensive (usually around $30 to $80 per day). For more information on day camps in the area, click below!

Overnight Camp: If your kids are ready for a little independence this summer, then overnight camp may be the place for them! Typically overnight camp is best for children between the ages of 8 and 14 who are capable of spending a week or more away from their family. It is a great learning experience for kids. They get to develop their interests through a range of activities like rock climbing, swimming, archery, horseback riding, and much, much more. Unlike day camps, which tend to be located closer to home, overnight camps may be spread out all over the country, so your children will have the opportunity to meet other kids from many different places. While most kids are satisfied with a week or two away from home, others have found that they have a blast spending the majority of their summer at these camps. Overnight camps typically cost about $400 to $1300 per week, depending on what kind of activities are offered. Click below for some great options:

Mix and Match: If a compilation of these different options is a better fit for you and your family, why not mix and match throughout the summer? Hire a babysitter for a couple hours if you need a mommy-daddy date night? Send your kids to a camp for the experience! If they need to get up off their butts, snag a mother's helper to get them out of your hair and down to the playground. It may be tedious to plan it all out, but you know your children best.

Whatever option (or options) you pick, your kids are sure to have a blast this summer. Enlisting a little help will not only give you the extra time you need to get things done, it will also give your child the opportunity to go out, make some friends, and maybe even learn something new!