Sons Of Anarchy had an extremely successful run on FX. Over the course of its seven seasons, the show became the most watched in the network’s history. While fans wish it would have gone on for a couple more seasons, the creative team was happy to end the story where they did.
Everyone involved with Sons has always spoken highly about the project, and refer to it as their favorite series they’ve ever worked on. It got to the point that many of the actors had a difficult time saying goodbye to their characters.
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Even though they have moved on, these stars still have a special place in their hearts for the Sons Of Anarchy.
Emilio Rivera, who played Mayan president Marcus Alvarez on the series, has plenty of fond memories of his time on the show — which spanned all seven seasons.
On Wednesday night, the actor opened his Twitter feed up for fan questions. When someone asked him about his favorite SOA moments, it was hard for him to narrow it down.
Killin my Son, Slapping JAX around, having a Pow Wow with @perlmutations in jail. Trying to share a Tamale with @MitchPileggi1 ,I can go on
โ Emilio Rivera (@EmilioRivera48) December 1, 2016
Stabbing your son seems harsh, but it was an incredibly powerful moment for Rivera’s character. While he loved his son, Alvarez had to show his club that their brotherhood was deeper than blood. The young man deceived the club, and his father made him pay for it.
The other three experiences revolved around working with co-stars Ron Perlman, Mitch Pileggi, and Charlie Hunnam. The cast always got along extremely well, so it’s no surpries that Rivera loved specific scenes with his friends.
The actor also commented on this favorite SOA character that wasn’t Alvarez, and the answer may surprise you.
I Like the way @KimFCoates played TIG , very Cool but Str ange Character
โ Emilio Rivera (@EmilioRivera48) December 1, 2016
Rivera claims to love the character of Tig, who was one of the most eccentric of the series. He wasn’t lying though, as Kim Coates delivered a spectacular performance as the biker.
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