Carrie Underwood on 3 Miscarriages Between Isaiah and Jacob: 'God Has a Different Plan'

When Carrie Underwood and Mike Fisher welcomed son Isaiah in February of 2015, she expected that [...]

When Carrie Underwood and Mike Fisher welcomed son Isaiah in February of 2015, she expected that they would give him a sibling within the next couple of years. Instead, Underwood suffered three miscarriages before she gave birth to her second child, Jacob. While she never intended to have almost four years between the two brothers, she is still grateful to have her two healthy boys.

"We initially in our lives kind of wanted our kids a little closer in age," Underwood told PEOPLE. "That didn't happen, because God has a different plan sometimes."

Underwood may not have wanted so many years between her two sons, but she is immensely grateful for Isaiah and the way he helps his parents around the house.

"Being almost 5 years old, he's just so helpful, and he looks out for his little brother," Underwood praised. "And he's good at [helping] when you ask him to do something; he's a very task-oriented child. So if you ask him to do something, he wants to feel helpful and he wants to do it and be a part of things."

Isaiah might be a doting big brother, but he wasn't very decisive on what he wanted Santa Claus to bring him for Christmas.

"I was telling him recently, 'We need to sit down and write a letter to Santa,' because then I feel like he needs to lock in what he wants Santa to bring him,'" Underwood divulged. "So we're going to have to do that."

Underwood is thankful for Jacob, but will always mourn the three children she never got to know.

"I guess you wait for things to stop hurting at some point," Underwood previously reflected to The Guardian. "But letting yourself go there ... other people that are going through the same thing. It kind of connects you to them. I will always mourn those children, those lives that were a shooting star, a breath of smoke, but I have Jacob, and he is incredible. He is the sweetest little baby. At the time it was awful, and it still hurts, but it's kind of like 'OK, I have this.'"

Underwood didn't intend to be the spokesperson for overcoming miscarriages, but decided to not be afraid to talk about it after she realized the subject had become taboo, even though it didn't need to be.

"It's something that people don't really talk about," Underwood acknowledged. "Even people who are my friends and I know well, after I talked about it were like, 'My gosh, me too!' And I feel like it's something I should have known about them."

Photo Credit: Getty / Duane Prokop