Woman Spends $30K on Plastic Surgery to Look Like Duchess Meghan Markle

Meghan Markle has been an inspiration for many women around the globe thanks to her style and [...]

Meghan Markle has been an inspiration for many women around the globe thanks to her style and Royal attitude. But some decide to take that extra step and head to the plastic surgeon in order to capture more of Markle's look on the operating table.

There have been several stories over the years of people requesting to have their look sculpted closer to the Duchess of Sussex's look. But Xochytl Greer of Houston, Texas might top the heap by dumping $30,000 on plastic surgery procedures in order to become Markle.

According to AOL, a Nightline report followed Greer's journey as she entered the operating room back in November. Now she spoke with Entertainment Tonight to reveal the results of her spending spree and how it has changed her life.

"Once all the bruising went away and the swelling went down, I looked in the mirror and I just felt happy again," Greer opened up about during the interview.

The inspiration that drove Greer to get the procedures was her divorce and an effort to feel more comfortable in the aftermath.

For her journey to look like Markle, AOL says that Greer had fat grafts placed in her "cheeks and buttocks." Liposuction was used on her abdomen and her thighs. Doctors filled in with her jawline, her lips, and under her eyes. The final bit was a nose job.

While she's faced a lot of criticism for going under the knife, in the end, her kids seem to give the final verdict on if the work was successful or not.

"She's like, 'It's mommy on TV! It's mommy!'" Greer reveals. "And I'm like, 'Nope, that's not mommy.'"

For Greer, her love for Markle is simple and draws from the Duchess of Sussex's entire career to this point.

"She's like our very own American princess, right? So I love that," Greer reveals in the interview. "I love that she gets to portray America and kind of represent America into this royalty now! I enjoy it because it thrust her into the spotlight even more."

The mother of three first became a fan of Markle thanks to her role on Suits according to AOL, noting that it intensified after her marriage to Prince Harry. According to Greer, she finds the Duchess relatable because of their similar connections on marriage and being biracial.

"I'm an attorney...I find that very relatable and commonality with Meghan. And I know she's not an attorney, she's an actress, and now the Duchess of Sussex. So, it's not really her, individually, but it's a character that she plays," Greer adds discussing Markle's Suits role. "But it's something that I can draw more commonality to and feel closer to her about."

And in the end, Greer would only have praise for Markle if she ever got the chance to meet her.

"One thing I'd like to say is just, 'Thank you for being authentic, thank you for being who you are and being authentic, and not trying to be who the media wants you to be, or who anybody else wants you to be," Greer says. "Thank you for representing America well...thank you for just being you."