Wendy Williams Goes in on Kim Kardashian, Kanye West During 'Hot Topic' Rant

Wendy Williams slammed Kim Kardashian and Kanye West during her 'Hot Topics' segment Monday, [...]

Wendy Williams slammed Kim Kardashian and Kanye West during her "Hot Topics" segment Monday, calling the celebrity power couple out for their antics in the media and said West is "losing his marbles."

On The Wendy Williams Show, Williams said West shutting down his Instagram and Twitter accounts was the "right thing to do," but suggested it was Kris Jenner's idea.

"I believe he will make it seem like his idea," she continued. "Kris is like, 'You gotta shut it down.' I'm sure [Khloe Kardashian's boyfriend Tristan Thompson has] talked to him about it, and then he's got the kids. So somewhere he probably just decided, alright, I'm going to shut it down. It's OK, it'll be back up before Hot Topics is over."

Williams even suggested that Jenner, Kardashian's mother, was the one who sent Kardashian a bouquet of flowers recently seen on Kardashian's Instagram page, even though she claimed they were from West.

Speaking as Jenner, Williams said, "You get over here and you shut down that social media and you make sure that you send Kim all kinda good gifts and things like that. I want to see you all at Craig's and fancy restaurants at least once a week, you have to been out and seen about and you can't do it the way you're doing it now and take your meds."

Next, Williams took umbrage at Kardashian's string bikini selfie, agreeing with the critics who called Kardashian "pathetic, desperate and said."

"This picture is so unnecessary at a time where her husband's losing his marbles," Williams continued. "There's two schools of thought I guess: When he's losing it, she's trying to distract with pictures like this and family orchestrated pictures and things. But we can't forget about Kanye, because he's everywhere and not in a good way."

Then again, Williams suggested the people complaining were just the women who "could never pull it off."

"It's a good one. They're jealous, Kim," Williams said.

Williams' comments come at a time when West is dominating the news cycle. On Thursday, he visited the White House, where he delivered a 10-minute speech in front of President Donald Trump and even hugged him. During the speech, West claimed he was misdiagnosed as biopolar and said the "Make America Great Again" hat made him feel like "Superman."

This was not the first time Williams has used her "Hot Topics" segment to call out Kardashian. In May, Williams criticised Kardashian's visit to Trump, when she asked the president to pardon Alice Marie Johnson.

"Kim, why don't you do something closer to home, like mental health," Williams said, referencing West's past breakdowns. "But I applaud anything she's doing in terms of making things better for somebody else... Good for you, Kim!"

Williams also suggested Kardashian was "bored" and "unsatisfied" with her marriage to West.

Photo credit: The Wendy Williams Show