Wendy Williams Complains About 'Saggy Boobs' and Elective Surgeries With Dr. Oz Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

While New York doctors focus on treating COVID-19 patients, elective surgeries have taken a back [...]

While New York doctors focus on treating COVID-19 patients, elective surgeries have taken a back seat, which did not make Wendy Williams happy. During Friday's episode of The Dr. Oz Show, The Wendy Williams Show host revealed she needed one of her surgeries canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic. She joked about having to deal with "saggy boobs" and asked Dr. Mehmet Oz when she can "get them pulled back up."

Oz asked Williams if she has had to miss events because of coronavirus fears, and Williams admitted she had, reports PEOPLE. "The most important thing to me right now is getting back to work. So leaving New York is not an option," she said. "My priority is staying well and getting back to what I love to do most, which is the 'how you doing' of it all."

Once the world gets back to normal, one of Williams' top priorities will be getting an elective surgery. She understood the current situation makes it impossible for her to get it right now though. "It's just that, as a surgery girl, when you save your money and you've been planning for years, and then you have your appointment and all of a sudden the corona pops up, and I got to deal with these saggy boobs," Williams added.

Williams jokingly asked Oz how long he thought it would be until she could finally "get them pulled back up." Oz told Wiliams he thinks it will be another "couple of months" before she could have an elective surgery.

"I am hopeful that we're eight weeks away from being through the worst of this," Oz said, reports Page Six.

Williams has openly discussed having cosmetic surgery, including breast implants, liposuction and tummy tuck. In January, she even shared graphic footage of herself getting Botox injections in her jawline on The Wendy Williams Show.

"I feel like I'm 35," Williams said on her show, taped just hours after the procedure. "Look, my doctor is in the building right now and I've been dealing with her for more years than this show was invented. If you see something, do something. Don't just assume that your skin don't crack."

Williams later said she was "done" with procedures from the neck down.

"Neck down I'm done," Williams said. "[Breast] reduction, I'll get it when I'm ready, but right now I still like them. I've never gotten a facelift, and you know what, if you start staving off the stuff at an early time you won't need a facelift."

On March 15, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio announced he would order all elective surgeries at city hospitals during the outbreak.

On Friday, officials reported more than 26,000 coronavirus case and 450 deaths in New York City, reports The New York Times. About half of patients who tested positive are 44 or younger. Statewide, there are more than 44,600 cases and 519 deaths.

The U.S. is the first country with more than 100,000 coronavirus cases reported. Nationwide, 1,702 deaths have been reported as of Friday night.

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