Tim Allen recently tweeted out a joke about “wokeness” and got a big response from both fans and critics. In a tweet, the longtime comedian asked about “the face of woke,” and if “wokees have a club house.” he also quipped that “woke” individuals may spend their time in “cute yet safe playpen.”
The joke was met with mixed reactions, as some of Allen’s fan sided with his take, but others took issue. “I think their safe spaces and playpens are called California, New York, and New Jersey,” a fan tweeted back. “Obviously, you are not woke.The origin of the word woke comes from Black culture.It is a complement to be ‘woke’, a synonym for being aware,” another person replied. Scroll down to see more reactions to Allen’s “woke” tweet.
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“Woke has been around for generations. Especially in black circles. Racists just hijacked it, because they hate the idea of someone being considerate to minorities,” one person wrote in Allen’s replies.
“Face of Coke”
“The fact that Tim Allen spent time in prison for cocaine distribution and still got another chance at life, then ran a show that was essentially a reboot of his older show into the ground and then complained about woke cancel culture will never not be funny to me,” one Twitter user commented, referring to Allen’s previous arrest and imprisonment over a charge in the late ’70s.
“Saying Stuff”
“It’s just people who have empathy and compassion for other life,” someone offered. “You should try it on sometime.”
“Wokefullness is virtue signaling and a true objection to a persons freedom of expression,” one of Allen’s defenders wrote. “Some of the things that people have been ‘canceled’ for in the past few years has been life ruining without true merit. Wokefulness is gaslighting and changing the world for the worse.”
“The Word is Gone”
“I hate when white people who received a second chance act brand new… Tim Allen was arrested, charged and served time in prison for cocaine distribution yet he’s in this internet acting like he doesn’t have a criminal record. If he was Black this story would be so different,” one Twitter user surmised.
“Avocado Toast”
“The fact is Tim Allen is as white as the coke he peddled,” someone wrote. “And when you are white like that, you can just blame the woke mob for targeting you because you love Jesus. If you play your cards right, soon enough you’ll again be as pure as the driven snow in America’s eyes.”
“Last Klan Standing”
“Tim Allen I used to think you were cool! Woke means you are alert to injustices in society, especially racism,” a former fan replied to Allen. “Republicans think it’s a bad thing but I’m proud to be ‘woke.’ Now you know what a jerk you are!”
“Lighter Sentence”
“Just a reminder that absolutely every role Tim Allen plays, is some form of bad dad or toxic male role that saves his relationships by learning to lean into and accept new more appropriate social skills and PC acceptance,” a final user added. “So Tim… Tim is in fact, the face of ‘Wokness.’”