Selena Gomez's Mom Disapproves of Her Working With Woody Allen

Selena Gomez’s mother commented on the likelihood of her daughter joining the actors and [...]

Selena Gomez's mother commented on the likelihood of her daughter joining the actors and actresses now renouncing Woody Allen in the wake of the "Me Too" movement.

Gomez's mother, Mandy Teefey, has had to learn the hard way that she can't control her daughter or her public actions. Teefey sacrificed her job as Gomez's manager to regain their mother-daughter relationship, and now, she's telling fans that they need to let Gomez be her own person as well.

A recent post of Teefey's Instagram post devolved quickly into a forum for commenters advising Teefey on how to handle her relationship with Gomez. Amidst all the advice and remarks was a simple plea: "Make Selena write an apology about the Woody Allen film."

The comment concerned Allen's upcoming movie, A Rainy Day In New York, in which Gomez has a prominent role.

"Sorry, no one can make Selena do anything she doesn't want to," Teefey responded. "I had a long talk with her about not working with him and it didn't click. Her team are amazing people. There is no fall person here. No one controls her. She makes all her own decisions. No matter how hard you try to advise. It falls on deaf ears."

Gomez herself has expressed lukewarm feelings on the subject. She was asked about her choice to work with Woody Allen in November of last year, just as the "Me Too" movement was picking up steam. The question was one of many in her cover story in Billboard.

"To be honest, I'm not sure how to answer," Gomez said cautiously, "not because I'm trying to back away from it. [The Harvey Weinstein allegations] actually happened right after I had started [on the movie]. They popped up in the midst of it. And that's something, yes, I had to face and discuss. I stepped back and thought, 'Wow, the universe works in interesting ways.' "

The renewed interest in Gomez's participation in Allen's film comes on the heels of one of her co-stars, Timothee Chalamet, announcing that he'd be donating everything he earned on the film to the Time's Up campaign, the LGBT Center in New York and RAINN.

"This year has changed the way I see and feel about so many things," the young actor wrote in an Instagram post. "It has been a thrilling and, at times, enlightening education."

"I have, to this point, chosen projects from the perspective of a young actor trying to walk in the footsteps of more seasoned actors I admire," he wrote. "But I am learning that a good role isn't the only criteria for accepting a job — that has become much clearer to me in the past few months, having witnessed the birth of a powerful movement intent on ending injustice, inequality and above all, silence. ... I don't want to profit from my work on the film."