Rob Lowe Reveals Eerie Photo of What's Left of First California Home After Fire Devastated Neighborhood

Actor Rob Lowe has revealed an eerie photo of what's left of his first California home after [...]

Actor Rob Lowe has revealed an eerie photo of what's left of his first California home after wildfire devastated the neighborhood.

Lowe shared the photo on his Instagram account, and it shows a pile of ash and rubble where the home once stood.

"My family's first house in California, on Wandermere Rd. All gone," Lowe said in the photo's caption. "I wrote in Stories I Only Tell My Friends of my memories here."

(Photo: Rob Lowe - Micah Dyer / Instagram)

Many of Lowe's followers have since commented on his photo, expressing sympathy over the loss of his old home.

"That's so sad. I remember when I was a teenager and my neighbors and I were going to Zuma for the day and decided to drive around Point Dume and we saw you and Chad in front of that house. We were so excited to see you and screamed like little teenagers did back then we you saw your heartthrob movie star," one fan recalled.

"This is so incredibly heart breaking... No matter how much you have in the world or what you have achieved, when a physical form of memories is destroyed, there is not much to say to repair that wound. I'm so sorry for this loss and for so many others who are experiencing the same thing," another person stated.

"I am so sorry, stay strong. The bright side is that your family is all okay. You still have those memories in your heart and they will never go away. Keep making new ones with your family and friends. I am terribly sorry that you lost your home. There will be some good karma coming your way for your sacrifice," another user commented.

Lowe is not the only celebrity to lose his home in the tragic California wildfires, as Gerard Butler, Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth, Neil Young, Kim Basinger, and Robin Thicke all lost their homes as well.

Notably, it appears as if Lowe's old home was in the same neighborhood as Butler's, or at least one nearby.

Butler took to Twitter last week to say that he had been "driving around Point Dume" and surveying the damage done to the area.

"My heart aches for all those who lost their homes and their lives in California. I was one of the lucky ones, my home was only partially destroyed," he shared. "A lot of people lost everything and will have to rebuild from scratch."

Wildfire relief efforts are in full swing at this time, with many government departments and non-profit organizations working to rebuild and provide outreach to the victims.