Piers Morgan Blasts Logan Paul: 'Sick, Twisted, Heartless'

British journalist and TV personality Piers Morgan is blasting Logan Paul after the YouTuber [...]

British journalist and TV personality Piers Morgan is blasting Logan Paul after the YouTuber posted a controversial video showing a dead man hanging from a tree.

"Dear Logan Paul, you're a sick, twisted, heartless little prick," Morgan wrote in a tweet quoting Paul's apology.

Over the weekend, the 22-year-old vlogger shared a video with his 15 million YouTube subscribers. Filmed in Aokigahara, a forest in Japan known as the "suicide forest" due to the number of suicides attempted and completed there, Paul and his crew showed what appeared to be the dead body of a man hanging from a tree.

The video was immediately met with backlash, some even calling on YouTube to suspend Paul.

"That body was a person someone loved," wrote Anna Akana. "You do not walk into a suicide forest with a camera and claim mental health awareness."

"What Logan Paul did was unacceptable and deserves decisive action. There is no place on YouTube for that kind of content," wrote another Twitter user.

Following the backlash, Paul took the video down and issued an apology on Twitter, claiming that "this is a first for me."

"I'm sorry. This is a first for me. I've never faced criticism like this before, because I've never made a mistake like this before," he wrote. "I do this s— every day," he continued. "I've made a 15 minute TV show EVERY SINGLE DAY for the past 460+ days. One may understand that it's easy to get caught up in the moment without fully weighing the possible ramifications."