Following her explosive interview with Oprah Winfrey, Meghan Markle has already made some big changes to her team. Sources tell Daily Mail, the Duchess of Sussex has changed her advisor Nick Collins’ status after working with him for years. As a partner at LA’s Gersh agency, the two started working together during Markle’s time as an actress on Suits, and stayed with her after promising to quit the entertainment business post-royal engagement โโ which caused some strife within the Royal Family. They eventually collaborated on “Megxit.” “It is a very strange development really. Nick has been a loyal friend and confidante for Meghan and Harry over the past few years,” an LA talent agency source told the outlet.
Collins and Markle were allegedly very close. The agent was one of the few people present in Markle’s 2018 private wedding at Windsor Castle. Though, it seems she doesn’t have a need for Collins anymore since making some of her own business deals Post-exit, Markle and her husband recently signed a $100 million Netflix deal as well as a multi-million dollar podcast deal in addition to the couple’s other lucrative business ventures to supplement Prince Harry‘s inheritance from Princess Diana, which the couple has been living on since stepping down from their royal duties.
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“His expertise and knowledge of business matters in Hollywood and contact list is astonishing. While on paper she was not accepting work offers as an actress, other work opportunities and roles did come in through Gersh,” the source says. “And with the upheaval and swift departure from England and business plan needed, many believe he played a key role in helping the Sussexes get the ball rolling in business. He was part of the “6 ‘Dream Team.’”
But, Collins isn’t gone for good. Sources share that his new role will now be that of a consultant. “Meghan insists that she has no plans to act presently so he’s not needed to negotiate deals,” the source said. “Make no mistake – acting and voiceover offers are flooding in to the couple. But now they will go to their production company and personal media team. Certainly dealing with any opportunities that way means that the twenty percent commission usually charged by an agent, is saved.” Another source close to the situation tells Daily Mail that the two remain very close and there’s no bad blood over the change in position.