Lady Gaga Sued by Dog Thief Accomplice

Lady Gaga is being sued by an accomplice of the dog thieves who kidnapped her pups Koji and Gustav. According to PEOPLE, Jennifer McBride — who returned the dogs to Gaga — has filed a lawsuit against the singer for not paying the $500,000 reward she originally offered for the safe return of her animals. An attorney for McBride argued that Gaga issued the reward offer with "no questions asked" and that by not paying it she is in breach of contract, and had committed fraud by false promise and fraud by misrepresentation.

The lawsuit goes on to argue that the offer was made "with the intent to defraud and induce members of the public, such as Plaintiff, to rely upon it and to act upon said promise by locating and delivering Lady Gaga's bulldogs to Defendants." McBride was one of five people who were arrested in connection to the kidnapping of Gaga's dogs and the shooting her dogwalker, Ryan Fischer, in April 201. McBride was dating Harold White, a fellow accomplice, at the time. White is the father of Jaylin White, who was more directly involved in the robbery and shooting, along with James Jackson and Lafayette Whaley.

Back in September 2021, just months after the incident, Fischer sat down with CBS Mornings host Gayle King to talk about the attack and his recovery, which included launching a GoFundMe to get help with medical costs and other expenses he incurred after being shot. The fundraiser project sparked speculation regarding Gaga's willingness to help Fischer herself but he squashed the rumors and accusations that she did not help him, following the shooting.

"LG is very supportive of my journey right now and I think it's hard for people to understand why someone would go about healing in this way," Fischer explained, clarifying that he wanted his healing journey to be his own as much as possible. "I grew up Catholic Jesuit faith, and there's something about giving up your resources, giving up belongings and contributing that to society." He added, "And so I know that doesn't make sense to a lot of people, [but] she totally gets it."

He went on to say, "She's helped me so much. She's been a friend for me and after I was attacked, my family was flown out and I had trauma therapists flown to me and I stayed at her house for months while friends comforted me and security was around me." At this time, Gaga has not issued a statement on the new lawsuit news.