As one can imagine, Judy Sheindlin (also known as Judge Judy) appeared on Real Time with Bill Maher on Friday, Nov. 8, and things got heated between the two bold personalities, per The Hollywood Reporter. More particularly, they sparred over Michael Bloomberg, who recently filed paperwork in Alabama order to run for president. While Sheindlin is a big fan of the former NYC mayor, Maher isn’t exactly ready to support his run for office. Naturally, their difference in opinion led to some fireworks on the TV program.
“There is nothing wrong with a man that came from nothing realizing the American dream… To define @MikeBloomberg as a billionaire is an injustice.” โ @JudgeJudy #RealTime
โ Real Time (@RealTimers) November 9, 2019
Their conversation on Friday turned towards Bloomberg, who Sheindlin is a big fan of. “Michael Bloomberg is the only one, and I’m going to tell you why,” she began her pitch. “If you think about it, Michael Bloomberg is the only one who’s running who has executive experience running the biggest city in the United States.” Maher wasn’t on board with her pitch, though, as he responded with, “Who cares?”
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Sheindlin’s response? “That’s experience,” she said. She then went into an analogy about doctors, but Maher, again, wasn’t buying it. “That’s not how people think about politics,” the host said. “People vote with their gut.” The two TV personalities still shared some strong words over Bloomberg, with Sheindlin adding that he was a big reason why NYC was doing very well during his tenure as mayor. However, Maher doubled down on his own opinion, saying that he was unsure that Bloomberg could get voters in states such as Alabama and Wisconsin excited about his candidacy.
Before they ultimately moved on to other topics, the judge said one last defense of her choice of candidate, saying, “There’s nothing wrong with a man that came from [nothing] realizing the American dream. I realized the American Dream.” She added, “What I’m telling you, nothing is impossible. To define Mike Bloomberg [just] as a billionaire is an injustice.”
Sheindlin, famous for her zingers and no-nonsense approach on Judge Judy, usually does not comment on political matters. However, in an October 2019 op-ed for USA Today, the famous judge related that she can’t stay silent when it comes to politics anymore, given the current political landscape in the country. In her piece, she detailed exactly why she believes Bloomberg is the best choice for President of the United States (even though, at the time of the article’s publication, the former mayor had not yet detailed any plans to run).
“I realize I am taking a personal and a career risk in making such a statement. I have carefully stayed away from politics for 50 years, except to vote,” she wrote. “But times have changed in our country, and I believe the moment has come for me to step out from behind the curtain. I want to speak honestly and from the heart โ regardless of the consequences.”