Elon Musk Wore Spikes and Chains to Alleged 'Sex Party'

The mastermind behind SpaceX, Elon Musk, once wore an elaborate suit including spike and chains to [...]

The mastermind behind SpaceX, Elon Musk, once wore an elaborate suit including spike and chains to an investor's "sex party" in 2017, according to a new book about silicon valley.

The account comes from Brotopia, an exposé about the male-dominant culture in silicon valley written by Emily Chang. The party in question was reportedly hosted by Steve Jurvetson, a venture capitalist who has helped launch huge tech projects in California.

Chang got access to private Facebook photos from the party, and wrote that Musk "appears wearing a black armor-like costume adorned with silver spikes and chains." She also wrote that Google's Sergey Brin was there, "bare chested in a vest." The party's theme was "Edge of the Earth."

Reporters from Page Six reached out to Musk about the story. The tech mogul's former representative said "Elon was at the... party for a couple hours and left around 1 a.m... His impression was that it was a corporate party with a costume theme, not a 'sex party.'"

Since the party in question, Jurvetson has been fired from his venture capital firm, DFJ, for sexual misconeuct allegations, which he continues to deny. A source at the firm told reporters they were "dismayed to learn of behavior at the party that was completely at odds with DFJ's culture, which has been... built on the values of respect and integrity."

The book, recently published by Penguin Random House, is filled with other salacious stories about tech icons. Chang, who works as a TV journalist or Bloomberg, wrote that she wanted to "fix this toxic culture" with Brotopia.

"Silicon Valley's aggressive, misogynistic, work-at-all costs culture has shut women out of the greatest wealth creation in the history of the world," reads a description of the book. "It's time to break up the boys' club. Emily Chang shows us how to fix this toxic culture -- to bring down Brotopia, once and for all."

The book contains extensive interviews with some of the few women who have broken into the industry, and exposes the inner workings of the financiers behind some of the biggest developments in recent history.