Ellen Pompeo Defends Herself After Backlash Over Brett Kavanaugh Tweets

Grey's Anatomy star Ellen Pompeo is defending herself after a backlash over Brett Kavanaugh tweets [...]

Grey's Anatomy star Ellen Pompeo is defending herself after a backlash over Brett Kavanaugh tweets that she shared with her followers.

The controversy started when Pompeo retweeted a tweet that featured a photo of Kavanaugh yelling during his Senate committee hearing alongside a photo of Serena Williams yelling during a tennis match.

"'Defending his honor' vs. 'Having a meltdown,'" the caption on the tweet read.

Pompeo seemingly received some comments from fans and followers over her retweeting of the sentiment, to which she has now responded fiercely.

"For everyone who's tripping about my tweet. Im not walking anything back. I trust they were both rehearsed performances get it? the other crazy s— he did is not what I'm commenting on...stop rolling it all into one thing and let me drag Kavanaugh in peace though," she tweeted.

Pompeo then followed up her Kavanaugh-tweet defense by setting her sights on former Hollywood producer — and accused rapist — Harvey Weinstein.

"The other thing I'll say is everyone in this town knew [Weinstein] was gross but I don't think a lot of us knew to what extent," she wrote. "And the whole world is still in culture of not speaking up... that's why a few women got together and created TimesUp...get it?"

Notably, this is not the first time Pompeo has retweeted and/or shared sentiments opposing Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination, as shortly after it was revealed that he was denying the allegations, she took to Twitter to share her thoughts.

"I call bulls—... he has ALWAYS thought women were here for him to do with what he chooses..." she wrote in response to the news of Kavanaugh's denial.

The FBI is reportedly investigating the claims brought against Kavanaugh by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford ahead of the Senate hearing Friday.