Diddy Accused of Drugging, Assaulting Model in New Lawsuit

Model Crystal McKinney details a horrifying assault in a new lawsuit against Combs.

Another lawsuit sexual assault lawsuit joined the litany of allegations against Sean "Diddy" Combs this week, according to a report by Entertainment Tonight. The outlet obtained court documents filed by model Crystal McKinney, who claims that Combs drugged her and assaulted her at his studio in 2003. So far, Combs and his representatives have not commented publicly on this new lawsuit.

McKinney met Combs in 2003 when she was 20 years old, according to her lawsuit. She wrote that an unnamed fashion designer introduced her to Combs during an event for Men's Fashion Week in New York City. That designer "began to direct [her] appearance, as he sought to ensure Combs found her attractive." McKinney already had a promising resume at that point, but claims that Combs flattered her by predicting that she "was going to make it big one day." However, after his attack she said her career opportunities "quickly began to dwindle then evaporated entirely."

McKinney said that Combs' flirtation bordered "on leering" during dinner, and that he seemed intent on keeping her wine glass full. Afterward, he invited her to his studio, and she went along with the understanding that they wouldn't be alone there. However, she claims that she found herself in the studio with Combs and several other men, all drinking and smoking cannabis. She said that she accepted a joint and "later came to understand that Combs had laced the joint with a narcotic or other intoxicating substance."

McKinney said that she became very inebriated quickly, and once Combs noticed this, he led her insistently to the bathroom. There, she claims he "forced himself [on her] and began kissing her without her consent." She claims that he then "forced her to perform oral sex on him," and shortly after that she completely lost consciousness. She came to in a taxi headed back to the designer's apartment, and "as her consciousness returned, [she] realized that she had been sexually assaulted by Combs."

In addition to the attack, McKinney claims that she was "blackballed" in the industry after that and believes Diddy was the culprit. In addition to her account of the incident, she claims that she saved the clothing she wore that night, unwashed and wrapped in plastic as possible evidence.

This is the sixth lawsuit for sexual assault filed against Combs since November. On top of that, Combs is the subject of a federal investigation of sex trafficking allegations, which prompted coordinated raids on two of his homes at the same time. Combs' lawyers denied any wrongdoing related to the federal case, while the lawsuits are being handled one by one.