Chrissy Teigen Reveals the 'Strangest' Place She and John Legend Have Had Public Sex

Chrissy Teigen has never been one to hold back, and that's precisely why fans absolutely love her. [...]

Chrissy Teigen has never been one to hold back, and that's precisely why fans absolutely love her. In a recent interview with James Corden on The Late Late Show, Tiegen had no problem revealing exactly where she and her husband John Legend have had public sex. In fact, it wasn't just a one-time deal either, she fired off a few different places the two have been intimate without getting caught.

During one of Corden's show games "Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts" Teigen was asked where about the "strangest place" she and Legend have had sex, and instead of choosing to opt out of the question by eating something really gross, she chose to answer it, and then some. "We had some fun days," she initially answered before adding more details. "Because one time, at the Grammys, I had said that we had sex at 'that Obama thing,' and that came out wrong," she explained.

"Because what I actually meant was, it was 'that Obama thing,' but it wasn't with them or near them," she continued. She then added more detail saying "it was the DNC, actually." She said they did it in a bathroom but it was "a while ago." However, although she was only asked to mention one place, she offered up more and Corden didn't turn it down. "I could fire these off, if you want." She went on to mention that her and her husband also had sex at the West Hollywood clothing store Fred Segal, which took Corden aback.

He replied with, "Fred Segal! No! Oh, my God!" Then she furthered her details of that experience saying, "Yeah, right in front of the juice bar." She also admitted that the couple joined the Mile High Club as well. She detailed that it wasn't even on a private jet either, that they somehow discretely made it happen on a public plain. "On a plane — not even private, James. Public!"

Teigen recently announced she was getting rid of her Twitter account which came as a huge shock to her fans. Teigen is known for her clap backs and hilarious tweets, but the former Sports Illustrated model said she had finally had enough of people's hate. "Hey. For over 10 years, you guys have been my world," she wrote in her first tweet. "I honestly owe so much to this world we have created here. I truly consider so many of you my actual friends."

"But it's time for me to say goodbye. This no longer serves me as positively as it serves me negatively, and I think that's the right time to call something. My life goal is to make people happy. The pain I feel when I don't is too much for me. I've always been portrayed as the strong clap back girl but I'm just not." She then ended by telling fans that all she's ever cared about was her fans and friends but also admitted that who she was when she created her account versus who she is now, are two different people and it was time to walk away.