Best Actress Winner Reportedly Gets Injured During Live Performance: What Happened to Maleah Joi Moon

When Moon was ushered off stage, an understudy took her place.

Broadway star Maleah Joi Moon, who recently won a Tony Award for Best Performance by a Lead Actress in a Musical, reportedly suffered an injury during a live performance of Hell's Kitchen. The incident, which occurred on Tuesday, Sept. 3, momentarily halted the show and left audiences concerned for the young talent's well-being.

According to, the performance came to an abrupt stop just before intermission. The house lights were raised, and the stage manager appeared on stage. It was revealed that Moon, who portrays the Alicia Keys-inspired character Ali, had experienced some form of injury mid-performance.

The 21-year-old actress was swiftly escorted off stage and replaced by an understudy. The incident reportedly occurred during a moving scene where Moon's character was listening to her on-stage mother, played by Shoshanna Bean, perform a heartfelt song about her pregnancy with Ali. Despite the initial alarm, Moon returned for the curtain call, appearing no worse for the wear.

In a June interview/retrospective with Elle, Moon discussed her experience with injuries during performances. She recounted a previous incident where she had stumbled on stage, resulting in an ankle injury. However, the specific incident that led to the show's interruption occurred a week or two later during a high-energy dance number titled "Kaleidoscope."

Moon described the moment, saying, "I was dancing during one of the bigger numbers in Act I, 'Kaleidoscope.' I always look forward to performing that song on stage. It's a fun number. I get to perform with the dancers, which doesn't always happen in the show, because it's usually just Ali, my character, on stage."

The injury occurred as Moon was dismounting from a piano prop, inadvertently aggravating her previous ankle injury. Despite the setback, she completed the number before seeking assistance offstage. Moon praised the supportive atmosphere within the cast, stating, "Our cast is very family-oriented. When things go wrong, you could always count on people to be by your side, especially when injuries and serious things happen."

Moon's journey to Broadway stardom has been impressive. After leaving school in 2022, she pursued film and television opportunities before auditioning for Hell's Kitchen. The young actress admitted to initial hesitation, revealing, "I said no to it at first. My self-esteem at the time was just so different, and this project felt too big for me. Why would I get cast into something like this?"

Her decision to audition ultimately led to a life-changing role and a Tony Award win that she describes as "very fairytale, very much like a corny Broadway movie." Moon expressed her disbelief at her rapid ascent, stating, "In what world do you come out of college not even finishing your degree, and end up being on Broadway, one, leading a Broadway show, two, and then win a Tony. It was the best surprise ever."

Throughout her whirlwind experiences, Moon has found mentorship and support from none other than Keys herself, whose music and life story inspired the musical. Moon affectionately described Keys as "a friend... this big sister, mama-bear type of teacher, mentor, guru person."

Despite the occasional obstacle, Moon continues to entertain audiences with her performances in Hell's Kitchen, and her star continues to rise. As she put it, "The show went on. That's live theater, which is the gig."