Baywatch star Nicole Eggert has revealed a newly shaved head following her recent breast cancer diagnosis. On Thursday, the actress posted a video of her buzzing off her hair to Instagram. In the post’s caption, Eggert shared a quote from author Madeleine Eames: “Maybe healing involves not so much changing ourselves but allowing ourselves to be who we are.”
Eggert’s new look comes after she revealed her diagnosis to PEOPLE in January. “It really was throbbing and hurting,” she shared of realizing something was wrong. “I immediately went to my general practitioner and she told me I had to immediately go get it looked at. But the problem was I just couldn’t get an appointment. Everything was booked. So I had to wait until the end of November to get it done.”
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The actress had a discovery mammogram and three biopsies before her pathology reports returned. She was positive for cancer. “This journey’s been rough for me. This hasn’t been a breezy sale through life,” Eggert said, then noting that she’s done her best to remain in good spirits amidst her cancer journey. “I always read inspirational quotes and corny stuff, but it gets me through.”
Eggert will need surgery to remove the cancer and is currently waiting for her oncologist to decide when she will need to start chemotherapy and radiation. She also stated that, at this time, she does not know if the cancer has spread.
“I can definitely feel it,” she says of the lump in her breast. “It’s there. It needs to be taken out. So it’s just a matter of do I have to do treatment before the surgery or can they perform the surgery and then I do the treatment after.”
“I have panics where I’m like, just get this out of me,” she then added. “You sit there and it’s in you and you’re like, every second that passes and it’s inside of me. It’s growing, and you’re just like, you just want it out.”
Following Eggert’s diagnosis, her good friend Mindy Molinary created a GoFundMe page in order to help her with the financial stress that comes with a serious health battle. The actress says she is “really appreciative” for the help and support she’s been getting, because being a single mother has “not been an easy road,” and her cancer diagnosis makes things evermore challenging.
“My fear is that my everyday hustle, everything that I do to keep everything going is going to come to a screeching halt when I’m not feeling well or I’m sick or I’m in the hospital or whatever is going on,” she says. “It’s just so overwhelming, and I’m just doing everything I can not to spiral. At night when I lay down, I panic because I’m like, well, who’s going to cover all the bills? Who’s going to do all of this?”
While she has worries, Eggart added that the support she’s received has moved her to want to help others. “I’ve gotten such an outpouring of love and it makes you feel so good. It changes your whole day and other people just don’t have that,” she said. “So I really want to figure out a way to give back to other parents that are in my situation that aren’t as fortunate.”