Iconic Bollywood actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and her 8-year-old daughter, Aaradhya, have tested positive for coronavirus. News of their diagnoses came just hours after Aishwarya’s husband, Abhishek, and father-in-law Amitabh Bachchan, announced that they had both tested positive for COVID-19. Abhishek and Amitabh were hospitalized for treatment after their results came back, and they said at the time their family members and staff would also be tested.
“Aishwarya and Aaradhya have also tested COVID-19 positive,” Abhishek tweeted Sunday morning. “They will be self quarantining at home. The [Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation] has been updated of their situation and are doing the needful. The rest of the family including my Mother have tested negative. Thank you all for your wishes and prayers.” In another tweet, he added, “My father and I remain in hospital till the doctors decide otherwise. Everyone please remain cautious and safe. Please follow all rules!”
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When he announced his own testing results, Abhishek said that he and his father only had mild symptoms of the virus, giving a video update from Nanavati hospital in which he thanked the medical professionals for all their work amid the pandemic. He said, “There’s always fear. There is perhaps depression, but please do not despair, do not panic. We are all together in this. We’re all working together and all we hope and wish that very soon we shall come out of these extraneous circumstances.”
Fans and friends of the whole family were quick to offer their well-wishes during this difficult time.
Don’t worry everything will be fine.. Get well soon ๐ช๐ช
โ @MegastarFanDev (@DevMegastarFan) July 12, 2020
Lots of love and prayers for all of you AB. You will all be well in no time๐๐ผ๐๐ผ๐ค๐ค
โ Sophie C (@Sophie_Choudry) July 12, 2020
Get well soon AB !! Love to Aishuuu โค๏ธ
โ Agnisha (@agnisha12) July 12, 2020
This is really sad hope all of you recover soon we are praying for you all pic.twitter.com/n4Iqkejkze
โ Hindustani Bhau Fanclub (@hindustanibhaua) July 12, 2020
Get well soon Sir. Nation is praying for Amitabh ji and all of your family.
โ Tamal Das (@AskTamal) July 12, 2020
India has had more than over 878,000 positive cases of COVID-19 since the beginning of the pandemic, making it the country with the third most positive coronavirus cases after the U.S. and Brazil. India has reported more than 23,174 deaths from the disease.