Megyn Kelly Marks Return to News With Instagram Nearly a Year After Blackface Comments Fallout

11/08/2019 02:15 pm EST

Megyn Kelly has marked her return to news by taking her reporting and interview skills to Instagram, nearly one year after the fallout she suffered for blackface comments on NBC. Kelly shared a post in Instagram that revealed she has completed an interview related to the "Amy Robach hot mic moment," in which Robach was heard on a saying on a hot mic that ABC was trying to squash a Jeffrey Epstein story.

"Launching my Instagram with an exclusive interview of the woman just fired after the leak of a hot mic moment by ABC's [Amy Robach]. But did ABC News target the right person? Follow along with me here [Megyn Kelly], for current stories and my insight in real time," she wrote in the caption.

In the video clip, Kelly states, "I'm here on my set and we just shot a really interesting interview." She then went on to give more information.

"The employee who marked that clip in the system and then moved on to CBS got fired this week because they suspected she leaked this thing to Project Veritas, which is the one that put it out there," Kelly then goes on to claim, referencing the nature of the interview. "We just sat down with her in an exclusive interview and we got the full story. And I think you're gonna be fascinated by it."

Many of Kelly's fans and followers have since commented on the post, with one writing, "I have to give her props for stepping out on her own without the backing of a major network, to land a huge story like this! Was not a Meghan fan, will but definitely be tuning into this interview!!"

"Good job! I'm happy that you've been able to shrug off your corporate yoke and do this on your own," another person commented, while someone else said, "Start you own Network! You are FAR more fascinating than Oprah Winfrey. You would be great. Go girl!!!!"

"I have always adored you Megyn!!! A consummate professional who has integrity, now that is a powerful thing- remember, I said in Tweetville to consider FOX simply because your void cannot be occupied-PERIOD...Time again for FOX to clean house- IE- Neil Cavuto and Chris Wallace. make it YOURS and keep time with the kids and Hubby!" a fourth follower commented.

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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