Actor Shemar Moore recently announced that he had begun a family. During a recent episode of The Jennifer Hudson Show, Moore revealed, “My mother is in heaven right now, it’ll be the three-year anniversary on Feb. 8. And on Feb. 8, I’m going to make one of her dreams come true, because in real life, Shemar Moore is about to be a daddy.” Afterward, he tagged a woman named Jesiree Dizon in a sweet Instagram clip to reveal the gender of the baby. It’s a girl!
Moore used to be quite open about his previous relationships in the past. As a result, his recent announcement surprised many of his fans, partly because he had been out of the dating game since splitting with actress Anabelle Acosta. Neither party has openly discussed Moore’s relationship with Dizon on social media, per The Sun. Page Six refers to Dizon as Shemar’s “longtime girlfriend.” Although Moore is about to become a first-time parent, Dizon already has two children from prior relationships. Her Instagram feed is loaded with photos of her oldest children, including birthday posts, holiday pictures, and family portraits, although Dizon has yet to inform her 43,000 followers about her current pregnancy.
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Dizon previously shared a child with actor Stephen Bishop, with whom she was attached. Even though little is known about Dizon’s relationship with Shemar Moore, her career ambitions are still evident. Dizon’s name is not widely known, but like Moore, she is an actor. According to her IMDb page, Dizon has been acting since 2011 and has appeared in a wide range of shows, including one-time roles on CSI: NY, True Blood, Grandfathered, and Dollface.
It appears that Dizon is focusing her efforts on modeling in the meantime, although she might revive her acting dreams in the future. Dizon’s Instagram account has many pictures of her family, but she also posts multiple headshots and campaigns for various brands. Wilhelmina Models reps Dizon at the moment. Dizon is also a skilled makeup artist who flaunts her talents on her business account, J_birdbeauty. Moore and Dizon hosted a stylish gender reveal party, and immediately following the announcement they were expecting, the Criminal Minds actor posted a video of their celebration.
“Mama’s smiling from Heaven … Miracles happen … Here comes the BEST part of my life ,” he captioned the post. “Today is the day,” he said in a video. “Your boy got butterflies. No, this is a special day. This is a legendary day. Today, your boy Shemar Motherf— Moore, Shemar Franklin Moore, is about to find out if he’s going to be a daddy to a little girl or to a little boy, a little homie.”
The expectant father had already chosen a few names. “It’s either going to be Legend, little homie, or it’s going to be Frankie, little baby girl,” he continued. “And I’m about to be a father come Feb. 8, 2023.”
At the same time, his girlfriend was equally excited and nervous. “I would love a boy because my boy is easy, and I could have 10 of him,” the actress said. “But I kind of want a girl because then we can have one more. Because if I have a boy, we’re one and done, and that’s not OK with me. But I honestly just want whatever is healthy, happy. Like he says, 10 fingers, 10 toes. I’m just so excited for this portion of our life together, and it’s going to be amazing.”
The couple went all out for the reveal, with a helicopter circling above the festivities. The chopper soon trailed pink smoke, revealing a girl was on the way. On the Jan. 9 episode of The Jennifer Hudson Show, Moore explained, “My life is pretty grand, but I know once God does call my name, once I get this experience, I’ll be able to go to heaven whole.”