'Jersey Shore' Star The Situation Barred From Opening Joint Bank Account With Future Wife

Mike 'The Situation' Sorrentino and his new bride are reportedly going to have one lasting [...]

Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino and his new bride are reportedly going to have one lasting repercussion for his tax evasion charges — their separate bank accounts.

Sorrentino is heading to jail soon as a part of his tax evasion settlement. However, he will not be completely finished paying his debt to society when he walks out of that cell. According to a new report by The Blast, the judge has set permanent restrictions on Sorrentino's financial activities. The official judgement documents state that Sorrentino will not be allowed to "[open] or [maintain] any new individual or joint financial accounts for any purpose."

This means that Sorrentino and his bride to be, Lauren Pesce, will not be able to have a joint bank account as many married couples do. The ramifications go even further than that, however. Sorrentino is barred from opening any new lines of credit, taking on any new debt, monetary loan or financial obligation. As The Blast explained, this means that even something as simple as a store credit card would have to be in Pesce's name alone. It will affect them in bigger ways as well, since Sorrentino's name cannot be on any mortgage, car loans or other financial strings they might get caught up in.

At the end of the day, this could be good news for Pesce. She will not have to share her new husband's considerable debt. In addition to his jail time, Sorrentino is expected to pay a $10,000 fine and another $123,000 in restitution to make up for the $8.9 million in taxes he managed to avoid over a span of several years.

Of course, the court was also very concerned with Sorrentino's ongoing sobriety and other lifestyle changes. His judgement specifically mandates that he abstain from alcohol before he heads to jail, particularly at his wedding, which is coming up on Nov. 1. The judgement also orders him to "undergo treatment in a mental health program approved by the U.S. Probation Office until discharged by the Court," which could include treatments for "gambling, domestic violence" and "anger management," among other things.

Sorrentino's lawyer told the outlet that these last three are "standard language" in these kinds of judgements, adding, "There is nothing in [Sorrentino's] case concerning gambling or domestic violence."

There is still no word on exactly when Sorrentino will be taken to jail. The reality star is still appearing in new episodes of Jersey Shore: Family Vacation every Thursday at 8 p.m. ET on MTV.