Bristol Palin’s ex-husband, Dakota Meyer, is getting honest with fans about their break-up as the young Alaskan prepares to join the cast of Teen Mom OG.
Meyer opened him up to questions on his Instagram Story on Monday evening, allowing his followers to send him questions and answering them over pictures of his young children. It was not long before the questions turned to his divorce from Palin, which has been in all of the headlines for the last several months.
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“Why did you and your wife get a divorce?” one person asked. “You guys seemed so cute together.”

“She wasn’t happy with me so it’s for the best,” Meyer answered simply.
“Are y’all divorced or separated?” asked another.

“Happily divorced,” Meyer said.
At that, one follower asked why Meyer still wears a wedding ring, presumably based on a picture somewhere in his Instagram feed. Meyer dispelled that rumor at once.

“I don’t,” he wrote over a picture of his hand, his bare ring finger in plain sight.
Whether he was looking for it or not, Meyer ended up having a kind of virtual heart-to-heart his 157,000 followers. The questions went from being about facts and logistics to his mindset, and he was not too macho to answer.
“I know this is a personal question,” prefaced one user, “but any advice for those going through a divorce?”
“Take it one day at a time and focus on you,” Meyer advised. “Everything is just a moment in time. You can try everything and give the person all you have and if they don’t choose to see good in you it’s out of your control.”

“Know when enough is enough,” he added.
As for his own future, Meyer has a clear idea on that as well.
“Sorry about your marriage ending but do you think you will remarry one day?” someone asked.

Meyer had a very simple answer for this one. “Hell No.”
Palin herself confirmed that the divorce is finalized on her own Instagram account. She has also told her followers that she is not “ready to date” following the divorce.
The couple was together for just two years, though they had been together since 2014. The pair had two children, Sailor Grace Palin and Atlee Bay, in addition to Meyer’s firstborn son, Tripp, from her youthful relationship with Levi Johnston. She and Meyer have 50/50 custody of their girls, so they will presumably feature in her appearances on Teen Mom OG, though there is no word on whether Meyer himself will make any appearances.