Queen Elizabeth II Preparing to Make Special, Unscheduled Address Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

Queen Elizabeth II is getting ready to address the nation after the coronavirus has become a [...]

Queen Elizabeth II is getting ready to address the nation after the coronavirus has become a global crisis. After 68 years of reigning, she's planning a special, unscheduled speech, marking only her fourth time to do so — the last time being in 2002 when her mother died. According to PEOPLE, a time and date of when she'll give her televised speech is unclear momentarily, but she will follow "advice of the government as to when it might best be deployed."

The queen, 93, will give her speech via FaceTime or Skype, in accordance with social distancing rules set in place by U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson, due to social distancing, who said crowds of more than two people are not allowed. This is something that the Queen herself is taking very seriously. As a result of the rapid spread, she has canceled all of her upcoming events and will isolate herself along with her 98-year-old husband, Prince Philip, at Windsor Castle. The two recently relocated.

Even though she's taking all precautions, having a very limited staff with her, she isn't letting this stop her from getting work done because she is continuing to hold her weekly meetings, by video of course. Also, according to sources, she is believed to be in good health.

"As Philip and I arrive at Windsor today," she started a statement released by Buckingham Palace. "We know that many individuals and families across the United Kingdom, and around the world, are entering a period of great concern and uncertainty. Many of us will need to find new ways of staying in touch with each other and making sure that loved ones are safe. I am certain we are up to that challenge. You can be assured that my family and I stand ready to play our part," the message concluded.

Just before her and Philip's move, it was reported that one of their staff members had tested positive for COVID-19. The aide reportedly fell ill and tested positive and those who came in contact with the unidentified aide have self-isolated. It isn't clear on how close in contact they came with the queen or whether they worked directly with her at all.

"The worker tested positive before the Queen left for Windsor. But the Palace has 500 members of staff so, like any workplace, it's not inconceivable it would be affected in some stage," a source explained to The Sun.

Photo credit: Samir Hussein/Getty.