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‘Game of Thrones’ Releases Preview for Episode 4: ‘The Spoils of War’

Three weeks down, four more to go.The upcoming episode of Game of Thrones will mark the halfway […]

Three weeks down, four more to go.

The upcoming episode of Game of Thrones will mark the halfway point for Season 7, and it means that viewers are just one hour closer to reaching the end of the series.

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More: The Internet Reacts to ‘The Queen’s Justice’

After Jon Snow and Daenerys had a productive meeting at Dragonstone, Grey Worm (almost) successfully raided Casterly Rock, and Jaime killed Olenna Tyrell, fans are ready for an action-packed episode next Sunday.

HBO has released the official preview for the episode, titled “The Spoils of War,” and it looks like fans will be getting their wish.

Up Next: Game of Thrones Star Teases a Relationship Between Brienne & Tormund

The preview begins with Cersei talking about battle plans and deciding how she’s going to conquer the entirety of Westeros. Meanwhile, action scenes flash across the screen as Dany prepares for war.

You can watch the full preview for the episode above.

Can’t wait until “The Spoils of War” airs on HBO next Sunday? We’ll help you pass the time with plenty of Game of Thrones content, which you can find below.

[SPOILER] Meets The Queen’s Justice

The most recent episode ofย Game of Thronesย was titled “The Queen’s Justice,” and sure enough, two characters suffered a tragic fate for their roles in killingย Cerseiย Lannister’sย children in past seasons.

Cerseiย played a direct role in the first death, when she gaveย Tyeneย Sand the “kiss of death” in front ofย Tyene’sย motherย Ellaria.ย Cerseiย wanted revenge onย Ellariaย for murdering her daughterย Myrcellaย back in season 5.ย Ellariaย had poisonedย Myrcellaย with a similar kiss moments beforeย Ellariaย departed for King’s Landing with herย fiancรฉeย and father Jamieย Lannister.

Tyeneย was the last of the Sand Snakes, a group of elite warriors and the daughters ofย Oberynย Martell, who died in season 4 during a duel withย Gregorย Cleganeย that was orchestrated byย Cerseiย afterย Joffrey’sย death. She and her motherย Tyeneย were captured in last week’s episode byย Euronย Greyjoyย during their sneak attack onย Daenerys’sย fleet.ย 

Cersei’sย revenge was doubly fitting (at least in her eyes) as she forcedย Ellariaย to watch helplessly asย Tyeneย died similar to how Jamie watched his daughterย Myrcellaย die a few episodes ago.

Continue reading this article here.

Episode 3: Full Recap with Spoilers

Waves crash onto a collection of jagged rocks and an army ofย Dothrakiย warriors, led byย Tyrion, meet Jon Snow andย Davosย at the shore ofย Dragonstone. Jon andย Tyrionย shake hands and catch up.ย Seaworthย introduces himself andย Missandeiย does the same. Jon andย Davosย hand over their weapons and the soldiers carry their boat off. They followย Missandeiย back up the hill.ย Davosย tells Jon, “This place has changed.”

Tyrionย talks with Jon about their stories andย Sansa’sย health. Jon says his people think he’s a fool for coming toย Dragonstone. He says Stark men don’t fare well when they travel south.

“I’mย not a Stark.”

A dragon flies overhead and the crew continues walking toward the castle.ย Melisandreย watches over the guests’ arrival. She tellsย Varys,ย “I brought ice and fire together.”

She then says she’s finished whispering in the ears of kings.ย Melisandreย says she made mistakes in the past, and so she didn’t bid a fond farewell to Jon andย Davos. She tellsย Varysย that she’s going to leaveย Westeros, but that she will return someday.

“I have to die in this strange country. Same as you.”

Continue reading this articleย here.

Fan-Favorite Character Makes Surprise Return

This week’s episode ofย Game of Thronesย featured the surprise return of not one, but two characters.ย Aryaย reunited with two characters from her past when she met Hot Pie at the Inn at the Crossroads, and then met her oldย direwolfย Nymeriaย later that evening.

For those who don’t remember, Hot Pie was one ofย Aryaย Stark’s traveling companions in season two and season three. Although he initially was an orphan recruited to join the Night’s Watch, he andย Aryaย were captured by theย Lannistersย and sent toย Harrenhal.

Arya,ย Gendryย and Hot Pie eventually escaped fromย Harrenhalย and then met the Brotherhood without Banners. Hot Pie departedย Arya’sย company at the Inn at the Crossroads to become a baker. Hot Pie is notably one of the few characters inย Game of Thronesย who didn’t meet some sort of grisly death or fate when they were written out of the show.

Continue reading this article here.

Read Jorah’s Heartbreaking Letter to Daenerys

Game of Thronesย fansย have always known thatย Jorahย Mormontย had an undying love for his queen,ย Daenerysย Targaryn. In this past week’s episode, he wrote a letter to prove it.

When Sam made his way to the holding cells, in anย attempt to cureย Jorahย of theย greyscaleย that’s killing him, the man was writing a letter to hisย Khaleesi.

In order to save you the trouble of pausing your TV and trying to figure out what the letter said,ย HBOย released a full image of the text online.

In whatย Jorahย likely thought was his final letter, he wanted to make sure to tellย Daenerysย exactly how he felt and how much her life truly meant to him.

See the full letter here.