Woman Fakes Her Own Pregnancy Before Killing A Mother And Stealing A Newborn Baby

A Texas woman faked being pregnant, then murdered her friend and kidnapped her infant [...]

A Texas woman faked being pregnant, then murdered her friend and kidnapped her infant child.

Yesenia Sesmas pretended to be pregnant for several months. When it was time for her to "give birth," she traveled to Kansas and fatally shot her longtime friend Laura Abarca before stealing 6-day-old Sophia Victoria Gonzalez Abarca.

(Photo: CNN)

Police worked diligently to track down the missing child and finally located Sesmas. They raided her home, where she lives with her boyfriend, son and niece, and returned the newborn to safety.

Jose Abarca, Sophia's uncle, said getting his niece back was the only silver lining to losing his sister.

"Sophia is pretty much the last that we have from my sister," Abaca said. "I know her name is Sophia, but to me her name is going to be secretly, Laurita, like I call her. I think she's the image of my sister. A little Laura."

Wichita Police Chief Gordon Ramsay is intent on serving justice for this tragic crime.

"We can't forget that this is the best possible outcome to a very sad case," Ramsay said. "The death of Laura Abarca will be on all of our hearts in the next coming days. ... We want to do everything we can to bring this to justice."

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[ H/T CNN ]