Beach Boys’ founding member Mike Love’s new book reveals disturbing new details about Charles Manson, the commune leader who pushed his followers to murder.
Love recounted how the convict came to be in his social circle after his bandmate and cousin Dennis Wilson became wrapped up in Manson’s cult-like “family.”
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“My cousin’s interest in Manson now seems inexplicable,” Love wrote in his memoir, according to PEOPLE, “but in reality Manson tapped into parts of Dennis that make it all too explainable.”
One night his cousin’s friendship with Manson took a creepy turn, when the soon-to-be-murderer threatened Love while he was in the shower.
The singer recalled that they had all been socializing at Wilson’s hunting cabin when Manson summoned the men to the den “where he turned on a strobe light and revealed all of his girls lying there, naked,” Love wrote. “He started passing out LSD tabs and was orchestrating sex partners.”
The murders credited to Manson were carried out by a group of young women he had manipulated.
Uncomfortable with the situation, Love excused himself and went to shower, which is when he was approached by the other man.
“He looked up at me with those dark, beady eyes and said, ‘You can’t do that,’” Love explained.
“Excuse me?” he replied.
“You can’t leave the group,” Manson apparently told him.
The interaction motivated Love and a friend to leave the gathering altogether.
Today, Love is a married father of eight who continues to tour with the rock group.
Manson remains in prison serving out a life sentence on charges of conspiracy to commit murder.