
Fans Petition Nintendo To Name Legend Of Zelda Character After Christina Grimmie

While Christina Grimmie’s name has flooded social media following her tragic murder, fans all […]

While Christina Grimmie’s name has flooded social media following her tragic murder, fans all over the world are remembering the singer’s powerful voice and her tenure on NBC’s The Voice. However, long-time fans of Christina Grimmie know the artist as more than just a voice given her start on Youtube but also as an upbeat cover artist who loved video games.

Christina’s death shocked fans everywhere, and now, they want to see such a talented singer immortalized in Nintendo’s upcoming Legend of Zelda release for the Wii U.

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Fans have flocked to to change.org to petition Nintendo to name a NPC in the developer’s upcoming 2017 release of Legend of Zelda. Started by Ian Tan, the petition writes that Christina was, “an amazing singer, songwriter, daughter, sister and friend. She was impossibly bright, loving and talented and will continue to inspire us all.” It goes on to describe that the singer held a, “deep love for video-games. Especially Nintendo’s Legend of Zelda series. Memorialized from the start in her chosen Youtube username “ZeldaxLove64”. She was a large fan of all of Nintendo franchises. EarthBound, Mario, Pokemon, Super Smash Brothers and more.”

Uploading videos under the username ZeldaxLove64, Christina Grimmie wasn’t shy about her love of Nintendo and Legend of Zelda franchise. Viewers would often see Christina sporting shirts that had golden Triforces inked onto them, and the singer’s backdrop would usually include posters of Link and Epona alongside pictures of Sega’s Sonic.

Perhaps one of Christina’s most well-known videos celebrating her nerdy interests in a video called “Zelda Meets Today’s Music” where the singer overlapped the Gerudo Valley theme from Majora’s Mask to popular songs by Eminem, B.o.b., and Christina Aguilera.

As of now, the petition has collected nearly 9,000 supporters of the needed 10,000 for its first goal. With Christina’s fans still mourning her sudden loss, they are hoping that the singer might find peace in Nintendo’s Legend of Zelda by becoming part of the franchise which she loved so much.