Wrestling Legend Vader Has a Scar That Will Make You Lose Sleep

Last week, WWE and WCW legend Vader was released from the hospital after an extensive open heart [...]

Last week, WWE and WCW legend Vader was released from the hospital after an extensive open heart surrogate. Now that he's out, Vader as a story to tell, and a scar that will make you marvel at modern medicine.

The 62-year old posted the following page to his Twitter account earlier this week. To say the least, it's remarkable.

Since rising from the operating table, Vader has launched an informal PSA campaign advocating routine check-ups of the heart. Vader says he has no symptoms but had five clogged ateries—making his mortality a ticking time bomb.

Vader attributes his heart crisis to decades of poor dieting and urges anyone who will listen to eat more consciously.

Vader discussed his medical condition in an interview with Bill Apter prior to his surgery back in March.

"I literally have 10 blood vessels that are clogged, over 90 percent of my heart. I guess just to put it mildly I'm a walking time bomb. I went in for a routine visit... I was having chest pains. And I go into see him (his doctor), and he says you need to go into the hospital. I go 'Oh god, when? In the next couple of weeks? I've got bookings and I've got this and that. He says 'No, right now.' So he basically gave me some injectable blood thinners right then."

Vader noted that the blood thinners kept him from having a heart attack.

"Here's the deal, I was afraid," Vader said. "I said, 'Hey, my heart feels great. I'm wrestling, I'm riding the bike 30 minutes hard. There's no pain, I'm fine.' Well guess what, I wasn't fine. I had blockage, he said the type of blockage that you, over 90 percent in 10 arteries started 15 years ago. So let's say you came in 10 years, even eight years ago and got checked out and found some blockage. We could've gone in there with a catheter, basically stuck a cable into my groin and worked it up through my stomach and cleaned that out."

It's been a tumultuous 2018 for the big man, but it looks like he's finally on the up and up. He says he wants to wrestle again, but that's not really something any fan is clamoring for. Instead, we'll hope he goes into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2019.